Forum Discussion

NIKHIL234656595's avatar
13 years ago


What is the use of frequency tab in schedule?

if i have a window of monday from 12 am to 1 am and frequency of 1 hr then what would happen?


    It can do yes, it depneds on the settings you have and if it was run manually.

    The trick is this :

    1. Set the backup window for when you want the backup to run


    If want the backup is to run daily, set the Frequency to x hours (make sure x' is greater than the length of the backup window)

    If you want the backup to run weekly, set the Frequency to 1 day

    If you want the backup to run monthly, set the Frequency to 1 day or 1 week

    and so on ...

    The backup will only run when the window is open (hence why I say, "set the backup window for when YOU want the backup to run).

    You set the Frequency to be 'more often' than when you really want the backup to run.

    The gets round some of the issues that can cause the backup to not run exactly when you think it will.

