Forum Discussion

Sowjanya's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Huge size of /usr folder on backup server

I have a query related to the size of /usr folder on backup server.
Please see the following logs.

bash-3.2# pwd
bash-3.2# du -sh * | grep G
1.1G opt
11G proc
2.0G storage_db
12G usr
3.0G var

Note the size of /usr directory.

Now check inside /usr
bash-3.2# du -sh * | grep G
8.7G openv

Now check inside openv
bash-3.2# du -sh * | grep G
4.0G db
1.9G netbackup
2.0G pack

And now inside db
bash-3.2# du -sh * | grep G
2.0G data
1.9G staging

Inside data
bash-3.2# ls -ltr
total 4099338
rw------ 1 root bin 2433024 Sep 16 2012 NBAZDB.db.template
rw------ 1 root root 0 Feb 24 2014 vxdbms_conf.lock
rw------ 1 root root 26218496 Feb 24 2014 DARS_INDEX.db
rw------ 1 root root 26218496 Feb 24 2014 DARS_DATA.db
rw------ 1 root root 26218496 Feb 24 2014 SEARCH_INDEX.db
rw------ 1 root root 26218496 Feb 24 2014 SEARCH_DATA.db
rw------ 1 root root 26218496 Dec 12 01:00 BMR_INDEX.db
rw------ 1 root root 617 Apr 7 02:01 vxdbms.conf
rw------ 1 root root 2441216 Apr 7 23:54 NBAZDB.db
rw------ 1 root root 4096 Apr 7 23:54 NBAZDB.log
rw------ 1 root root 26218496 Apr 8 00:01 EMM_INDEX.db
rw------ 1 root root 1071763456 Apr 8 00:05 EMM_DATA.db
rw------ 1 root root 26218496 Apr 8 00:05 DBM_DATA.db
rw------ 1 root root 26218496 Apr 8 00:05 DBM_INDEX.db
rw------ 1 root root 26218496 Apr 8 00:05 JOBD_DATA.db
rw------ 1 root root 1376256 Apr 8 00:06 BMRDB.log
rw------ 1 root root 3588096 Apr 8 00:06 NBDB.db
rw------ 1 root root 5836800 Apr 8 00:06 BMRDB.db
rw------ 1 root root 773881856 Apr 8 00:06 BMR_DATA.db
rw------ 1 root root 327680 Apr 8 00:06 NBDB.log

Why the size of following folders is keep on growing
Is there any truncation procedure.

System is already at 90% and since the above folders are growing it will reach 100% eventually.
What are the recommendations on it from Symantec.



  • When last did you run a Catalog backup?

    Successful catalog backup will clear out logs in db/data folder.

    You should at a minimum have 1 scheduled catalog backup per day.

  • A Netbackup master server will store data about backup data in files and folders under /usr/openv

    Size depend on amount of data to protect and retention of backup

    U sally there is no reason to clean-up data in /usr/openv - Netbackup has everything in control

    Best option is to expand the file system(s).

    For comparison - I have master servers with 4TB in /usr/openv/netbackup/db (using seperate file system).

    Best practice is to have separate file systems for :





    More about file system layout in the "Backup Backup Planning and Performance Tuning Guide"

5 Replies

  • When last did you run a Catalog backup?

    Successful catalog backup will clear out logs in db/data folder.

    You should at a minimum have 1 scheduled catalog backup per day.

  • I would also be interested to see the contents of the pack & staging directories ....

  • How large is your environment (Client, policies) and how long do you retain your backups? 12 GB is very small. In fact I believe that the recommended size for /openv initially is 50 GB and then be expected to increase it as you add clients and amass images. 

  • A Netbackup master server will store data about backup data in files and folders under /usr/openv

    Size depend on amount of data to protect and retention of backup

    U sally there is no reason to clean-up data in /usr/openv - Netbackup has everything in control

    Best option is to expand the file system(s).

    For comparison - I have master servers with 4TB in /usr/openv/netbackup/db (using seperate file system).

    Best practice is to have separate file systems for :





    More about file system layout in the "Backup Backup Planning and Performance Tuning Guide"

  • Hi

     Customer had a case opened for this. So closing this post.Thanks a lot for your response!!!!!

