Forum Discussion

Ajith_Sankar's avatar
11 years ago

Issue with Exchange backup

Hi Folks,

  Master : Nbu, WIn 2008 R2

  Exchange : 2010

When i start exchange backup, all the backup streams of databases are not starting parallely(at a time only one is running). Itw as happening when we had Nbu

  • Those all were old test policy, i removed all. This can be closed bcs now simultanious backup streams are runninng after selecting Microsoft Information store in the selection list

15 Replies

  • Also why Max MPX is 1 for full backup and 4 for differential ?


    are you faing this issue only with Full backup or daily as well?



  • So, a 'non-issue' caused by incorrect Backup Selection and mismatched MPX settings, not with upgrade to, right?

  • I did not do any changes in the MPX. Is MPX really play any role on disk pool backups ?

  • If this is what you believe, why do you have MPX set to 4 in one schedule and set to 1 in another?

    You are the best person to tell us if the result is different....

  • I believe It was set long back by some one and as i am using disk backups i am not bothored about the MPX.