Forum Discussion

H_Sharma's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

Java Console is not working

Hello Experts,

We rebooted our master server and after that 2 issues came up. No more changes were done.

1:- Java console is not getting opened either on master or client, laptop etc.It hangs in reading netbackup configuration after that it opens only BAR gui not acceptatble.

2:- Scan -changer is returning only below information

E:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>scan -changer
*********************** SDT_TAPE    ************************
*********************** SDT_CHANGER ************************

I doubt there is some issue with UAC in windows server. It is on 2nd level default notify me only programs try to make changes to my computer.

Is it creating issue?


  • Is your master the robot control host? This command will only work on robot control host.

    If so, open Cmd with 'run as administrator' and confirm that your user has local admin rights on the master.

    Symantec recommends in NBU innstallation Guide that UAC be turned off. I have seen over the years that UAC can cause all sorts of weird and wonderful issues. I personally exprerienced that I could config policies, run backups, but could not run simple reports - got 'no entity found' error.

6 Replies

  • Hello Team,

    Got the solution for Java Console.

    2:- Pls let me know the why scan -changer is not working?




    Look for a reference like this in the resulting jbp.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.log file:

    Apr 15, 2011 1:31:37 PM getArrayFromJCava: End of data from JCava server.
    THREAD: Thread[Thread-5,6,main]
    Protocol Code: 1
    Status: 12
    Time Taken: 593ms
    Error Msg: bpauthorize: terminating - cannot open debug file: Permission denied (13)
    Server Locale: en_US
    TO[0]: "E:\Veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\bpauthorize" -M MyMasterServer -get_vxss_info
    FROM[0]: bpauthorize: terminating - cannot open debug file: Permission denied (13)
    FROM[1]: file open failed
    Aux data: null

    This issue is due to the lack of permissions of the bpauthorize command to populate the needed log file with contents.  The bpauthorize command logs into the ...\NetBackup\Logs\Admin folder.  The account specified in the Java Admin Console Login window, does not have the needed permissions.
    An easy way to resolve this issue is to launch Windows Explorer:
    1. Navigate into ...\NetBackup\Logs\Admin 
    2. Rt-click on Admin and select Properties > Security
    3. Select Add and type in the group 'Everyone'
    4. With Everyone selected, give it Full Control - OK to save the change
    5. Launch the NetBackup Java Admin Console, it should work correctly now


  • If the path to the library is still correct (OS level) then it would appear the library has an issue as it is not responding to the scsi command sent by scan -changer command.

    1. Check that library can be seen by OS.  Personally, I would remove any reference and reconfigure it to the OS, then check scan -chager works, before reconfigureing library in NBU.

    scan command does not use 'any netbackup commands' it is 'standalone, and so failure of scan -changer will be either the device files for the robot at the OS level, comms to the robot (or from the robot), or a fault on the robot.

    Rebooting the library sometimes helps.

  • Backups are happening perfectly fine and device manager could see all the 8 drives.

    Since our master server had a reboot this command has not been working.

  • Is your master the robot control host? This command will only work on robot control host.

    If so, open Cmd with 'run as administrator' and confirm that your user has local admin rights on the master.

    Symantec recommends in NBU innstallation Guide that UAC be turned off. I have seen over the years that UAC can cause all sorts of weird and wonderful issues. I personally exprerienced that I could config policies, run backups, but could not run simple reports - got 'no entity found' error.

  • Is name resolution still valid for this host? Please check the forward and revers look ups against this server using nslookup command, ie:

    nslookup master_server_name

    nslookup IP_of_master