Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • Did you Inventory the robot after loading the tape in the library?

    Was the robot door manually opened at tape inserted into a slot or was tape enered through the map/cap?

    If door is manually openened, it is possibile that robot was accidently put into a 'maintenance' slot. NBU cannot 'see' the maintenance slot.

    Use robtest to confirm that the robot sees the tape in a normal slot. Then run Inventory - update again.

  • It sounds like you just need to perform an inventory with the update box checked.  Or are you saying it is going into the Volume Pool NONE.  That is not the default behavior unless you have a rule setup for cleaning tapes.

    So the first question to ask is if the inventory is showing something.  Right click the robot and select inventory and let us know.

  • I have see tapes disapear after an inventory and is because something is wrong with the rules and tapes end up in the wrong pools or wrong configs