Forum Discussion

rafanto's avatar
Level 5
3 months ago

Lot of vnetd processes and high CPU/Memory consumption


Please your help with this issue, we have around 10 MS SQL servers (virtual), with the NBU agent installed and MSSQL policies.

A day, all servers were reported by the admins, and their CPU had at 100%, and memory at 95% also. Reviewing the task manager, we had a LOT (more than 100) of vnetd processes and we tried to kill without success (access denied), we stop the NBU agent, but the vnetd processes still had running, the last action was reboot the server, but after two days, the event happened again.

We decided stop and disable the NBU agent and PBX until find a reason to this issue.

The antivirus exeptions were configured.

What do you think about tis issue? is a atipical behaviour?


4 Replies

    • rafanto's avatar
      Level 5

      Hello David,

      OK, thank you for your response, we have reviewed this TN and we are validating this configuration, but the strange thing about this behavior is that the problem occurs when we are not executing backups of the databases, "supposedly" for no apparent reason, the vnetd processes They start and begin to consume resources, for example yesterday many processes started but they consumed 3MB of memory each but adding up they were several GB's.



  • Do you have enabled the "resilient network" for this client?
    If yes, disable it. Do not delete it; disable it.
    • rafanto's avatar
      Level 5


      OK, we are reviewing this config, but the agent is installed in default mode and at Primary Server level also.

      We will comment the results.

      Thank you!

