Forum Discussion

PranavB's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Manual and scheduled backup jobs not running

Good Day Geeks !

Two days back we upgrade dour 2008 R2 master server from to
One issue happened as we had our Netbackup\DB in X drive ,it earlier was in Y drive but we moved to X drive 6 months backup but not sure when running update everything in registry moved back to Y.
So ,we had our classes ,SLP's copied from X to Y to make everything working.
Everything started working but yesterday we suspended the scheduler to upgrade our 3 MSDP media servers and after successful upgrade nothing is running.
None of the manual and scheduled jobs running.
Please advise what we have done wrong and what how should we proceed to get this corrected.
  • 4 weeks later and this issue is not yet resolved?

    I would like to know more about what exactly was done over here:

    One issue happened as we had our Netbackup\DB in X drive ,it earlier was in Y drive but we moved to X drive 6 months backup but not sure when running update everything in registry moved back to Y.

    By the sounds of it, NBU installation is in a bit of a 'mess' and you will probably need assistance from Support or a trained catalog manipulation consultant to fix this.


7 Replies

  • I would like to know what NetBackup services are running. Could you please run a bpps and reply here. Also when you run a job, do you get any errors?

    Also if you suspended scheduling, did you resume it after? nbpemreq -resume_scheduling

  • i did resume it ,all services are running and as no jobs are running so no errors

  • also now if i stop nbpem and start it again ,it does kicks few of the jobs.

  • 4 weeks later and this issue is not yet resolved?

    I would like to know more about what exactly was done over here:

    One issue happened as we had our Netbackup\DB in X drive ,it earlier was in Y drive but we moved to X drive 6 months backup but not sure when running update everything in registry moved back to Y.

    By the sounds of it, NBU installation is in a bit of a 'mess' and you will probably need assistance from Support or a trained catalog manipulation consultant to fix this.


  • ALl !


    Yes ,it was issue with Netbackup DB registry path entries. Had to change them all back to the path they were prior to upgrade.