Forum Discussion

Efi_G's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Multiplexing SLP duplication

i would like to multiplex the SLP duplication that comes from VTL or Adisk to tape so multiple duplication streams can write to the same drive is this possible?


  • you can not start the multiplex at duplication state..

    multiplex needs to enable at the time of backup(Tape only) and you will a option to preserve the multiplex or not at the time of duplication.. you can not start the multiplex at the stage of duplication.

    if you would like to start the mulitple images in single Duplication job you can use the with the help of  SLP tuning parameters.


    MIN_GB_SIZE_PER_DUPLICATION_JOB 8 / Default value: 8 GB
    Adjusting this value, indicated in gigabytes, affects the number and size of duplication jobs. If the MIN_GB_SIZE_PER_DUPLICATION_JOB setting is small, more duplication jobs are created. If it is large, fewer, larger duplication jobs are created.

    MAX_GB_SIZE_PER_DUPLICATION_JOB 25 / Default value: 25 GB
    This entry controls the maximum size of a duplication job. (When a single image is larger than the maximum size, that one image will be put into its own duplication job.)


    see the below tech note.

5 Replies

  • you can not start the multiplex at duplication state..

    multiplex needs to enable at the time of backup(Tape only) and you will a option to preserve the multiplex or not at the time of duplication.. you can not start the multiplex at the stage of duplication.

    if you would like to start the mulitple images in single Duplication job you can use the with the help of  SLP tuning parameters.


    MIN_GB_SIZE_PER_DUPLICATION_JOB 8 / Default value: 8 GB
    Adjusting this value, indicated in gigabytes, affects the number and size of duplication jobs. If the MIN_GB_SIZE_PER_DUPLICATION_JOB setting is small, more duplication jobs are created. If it is large, fewer, larger duplication jobs are created.

    MAX_GB_SIZE_PER_DUPLICATION_JOB 25 / Default value: 25 GB
    This entry controls the maximum size of a duplication job. (When a single image is larger than the maximum size, that one image will be put into its own duplication job.)


    see the below tech note.

  • Addition to Nagalla post:

    You multiplex because you want to reach the maximum writing capacity of a tape drive.

    If duplication from VTL to DISK to tape does not do that - you properly have a infrastructure problem where multiplexing wont help.

  • You cannot multiplex a duplication from disk to tape - it is not possible within NetBackup

    If it was tape to tape you can select to preserve multiplexing if selected in the SLP duplication section - so this would be possible for your VTL but not your Advanced Disk

    Hope this helps

  • with perserv multiplexing it doesnt start multiple streams from multiple tapes to 1 tape

  • It wont do that - it will "preserve multiplexing" so will run 1 tape to 1 tape layering the data on the target tape the same as the original - it allow it to do a single pass of the tape

    It wont "create" multiplexing I am afraid