SLP Duplication issue
Currenlty we have upgraded to NBU ruinning unnder windows server 2008 r2 standard. There are lots of duplication issues.
Exch server 2013 SP1
22/12/2014 2:28:04 PM - requesting resource LCM_ksc-mediasrv-hcart2-robot-tld-0
22/12/2014 2:28:04 PM - granted resource LCM_ksc-mediasrv-hcart2-robot-tld-0
22/12/2014 2:28:04 PM - started process RUNCMD (6556)
22/12/2014 2:28:04 PM - ended process 0 (6556)
22/12/2014 2:28:05 PM - begin Duplicate
22/12/2014 2:28:06 PM - requesting resource ksc-mediasrv-hcart2-robot-tld-0
22/12/2014 2:28:06 PM - requesting resource @aaaal
22/12/2014 2:28:06 PM - reserving resource @aaaal
22/12/2014 2:28:06 PM - reserved resource @aaaal
22/12/2014 2:28:06 PM - granted resource 0052L5
22/12/2014 2:28:06 PM - granted resource IBM.ULT3580-HH5.001
22/12/2014 2:28:06 PM - granted resource ksc-mediasrv-hcart2-robot-tld-0
22/12/2014 2:28:06 PM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaal;DiskVolume=StorageUnit2;DiskPool=DD160_POOL2;Path=StorageUnit2;StorageServer=ksc-2backup;MediaServer=ksc-mediasrv.alkhodari.local
22/12/2014 2:29:13 PM - Error bpduplicate(pid=6556) db_IMAGE() failed: database system error (220)
22/12/2014 2:29:13 PM - Error bpduplicate(pid=6556) Status = no images were successfully processed.
22/12/2014 2:29:13 PM - Error bpduplicate(pid=6556) Duplicate of backupid ksc-exch-dag1_1418641854 failed, database system error (220).
22/12/2014 2:29:13 PM - Error bpduplicate(pid=6556) Status = no images were successfully processed.
22/12/2014 2:29:13 PM - end Duplicate; elapsed time: 0:01:08
no images were successfully processed(191)
22/12/2014 1:58:04 PM - begin Duplicate
22/12/2014 1:58:04 PM - requesting resource LCM_ksc-mediasrv-hcart2-robot-tld-0
22/12/2014 1:58:04 PM - granted resource LCM_ksc-mediasrv-hcart2-robot-tld-0
22/12/2014 1:58:04 PM - started process RUNCMD (1572)
22/12/2014 1:58:04 PM - ended process 0 (1572)
22/12/2014 1:58:04 PM - requesting resource ksc-mediasrv-hcart2-robot-tld-0
22/12/2014 1:58:04 PM - requesting resource @aaaab
22/12/2014 1:58:04 PM - reserving resource @aaaab
22/12/2014 1:58:05 PM - reserved resource @aaaab
22/12/2014 1:58:05 PM - granted resource W160L5
22/12/2014 1:58:05 PM - granted resource IBM.ULT3580-HH5.000
22/12/2014 1:58:05 PM - granted resource ksc-mediasrv-hcart2-robot-tld-0
22/12/2014 1:58:05 PM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaab;DiskVolume=StorageUnit1;DiskPool=DD160_POOL;Path=StorageUnit1;StorageServer=ksc-backup;MediaServer=ksc-mediasrv.alkhodari.local
22/12/2014 1:58:07 PM - Info bpduplicate(pid=1572) window close behavior: Suspend
22/12/2014 1:58:07 PM - Info bptm(pid=4188) start
22/12/2014 1:58:07 PM - started process bptm (4188)
22/12/2014 1:58:07 PM - Info bptm(pid=4188) start backup
22/12/2014 1:58:08 PM - Info bpdm(pid=1508) started
22/12/2014 1:58:08 PM - started process bpdm (1508)
22/12/2014 1:58:08 PM - Info bpdm(pid=1508) reading backup image
22/12/2014 1:58:08 PM - Info bpdm(pid=1508) using 30 data buffers
22/12/2014 1:58:08 PM - Info bpdm(pid=1508) requesting nbjm for media
22/12/2014 1:58:08 PM - Info bptm(pid=4188) Waiting for mount of media id W160L5 (copy 2) on server ksc-mediasrv.alkhodari.local.
22/12/2014 1:58:08 PM - started process bptm (4188)
22/12/2014 1:58:08 PM - mounting W160L5
22/12/2014 1:58:08 PM - Info bptm(pid=4188) INF - Waiting for mount of media id W160L5 on server ksc-mediasrv.alkhodari.local for writing.
22/12/2014 1:58:10 PM - begin reading
22/12/2014 1:58:49 PM - Info bptm(pid=4188) media id W160L5 mounted on drive index 0, drivepath {3,0,3,0}, drivename IBM.ULT3580-HH5.000, copy 2
22/12/2014 1:58:49 PM - Info bptm(pid=4188) INF - Waiting for positioning of media id W160L5 on server ksc-mediasrv.alkhodari.local for writing.
22/12/2014 2:00:53 PM - Info bptm(pid=4188) waited for full buffer 1401 times, delayed 2280 times
22/12/2014 2:00:54 PM - end reading; read time: 0:02:44
22/12/2014 2:00:54 PM - Info bptm(pid=4188) setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes
22/12/2014 2:00:54 PM - Error bpdm(pid=1508) ERR - Error occurred reading TIR information, expected this frag 501260 bytes, read this frag 0
22/12/2014 2:00:54 PM - Error bptm(pid=4188) socket operation failed - 10054 (at bptm.c.27398)
22/12/2014 2:01:00 PM - Error bpduplicate(pid=1572) host ksc-mediasrv.alkhodari.local backup id ksc-mediasrv.alkhodari.local_1419239036 read failed, media read error (85).
22/12/2014 2:01:00 PM - Info bptm(pid=4188) EXITING with status 23 <----------
22/12/2014 2:01:00 PM - Error bpduplicate(pid=1572) host ksc-mediasrv.alkhodari.local backupid ksc-mediasrv.alkhodari.local_1419239036 write failed, socket read failed (23).
22/12/2014 2:01:00 PM - Error bpduplicate(pid=1572) Duplicate of backupid ksc-mediasrv.alkhodari.local_1419239036 failed, socket read failed (23).
22/12/2014 2:01:00 PM - Error bpduplicate(pid=1572) Status = no images were successfully processed.
22/12/2014 2:01:01 PM - end Duplicate; elapsed time: 0:02:57
no images were successfully processed(191)
This only happens to Exchange and Catalog.
Also when I ran the 'nbstlutil stlilist -image_incomplete -l ' , results below:
:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbstlutil stlilist -image_incomplete -l
7.6.0 I ksc-exch-dag1_1418641854 Exch_Weekly 2
7.6.0 C ksc-mediasrv-hcart2-robot-tld-0 1 1
7.6.0 I ksc-mediasrv.alkhodari.local_1418707389 Catalog 2
7.6.0 C ksc-mediasrv-hcart2-robot-tld-0 1 1
7.6.0 I ksc-mediasrv.alkhodari.local_1419239036 Catalog 2
7.6.0 C ksc-mediasrv-hcart2-robot-tld-0 1 1
I've tried to reran the duplicate process using 'nbstlutil active -backupid ' command, results below:
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbstlutil active -backupid ksc-exch-dag1_1418641854
No images or lifecycles matching criteria found.
@ Jan
For your Exchange issue you may look at
This way you are not disabling the cataloging.
Did the upgrade help you? Are you still having issues with a catalog duplication?
Please open a new thread for your issue and post the job details of a failed duplication job.