Forum Discussion

DaveM16's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

NBU 7.6 Upgrade Issues (from


I running a test bed under VMware workstation to replicate the production environment running at the site I'm working on. This is currently running a SFWHA/VCS clustered NetBackup master server on (SFWHA is at version 5.1 SP2).

I am trying to upgrade the master and as per the upgrade guide offline the VCS NetBackup resource. Then run the setup from the instalation media (I am still using the 7.6FA release, but from what I've read, the 7.6GA release doesn't have anything relevant to this issue - I'm downloading that now, and will try once done - just in case).

Anyway the upgrade proceeds normally on the "active" node and completes without error. The problem is with the passive node. When the instalation software starts the process it runs a check on each node - nbcheck. This fails with a complating about the EMM server not being supported on a remote serverunder 7.6. The output from the nbcheck utility folloows:

ok nbdb_maintenance_space: not an EMM server: skipping
not ok remote_emm: As of NetBackup 7.6, Symantec no longer supports
  NetBackup configurations in which the Master Server and the EMM Server
  are on different hosts.  See

  for more information.

ok nbdb_ntfs_dir_symlink: no problematic symbolic links were found

Now as this is the passive node - the EMM server is remote but as it is clustered this should not matter.

I've tried upgrading one node at a time but the test fails in the same way (I didn't fail over to the passive node as the EMM database has been upgraded, so not sure what the effect will be).

I'm stuck at present - am am in discussion with Symantec support, but was wondering if anyone had seen anything similar and how they managed to get around it.

I've attached some of the logs and output from various comands run on each node in the cluster. FYI the primary node is syd02s008npa1, the passive node is syd2s008npa2 and the cluster name is syd02s008nca1.



  • One further update to the issue from one of the software engineers.

    "You're correct about not running the remote_emm test if there's no access to SORT. This was by design and technically, it's still possible at 7.6 to run with remote/shared EMM, we just want to discourage it. The scenario described here and in the TechNote is something we are actually trying to fix right now. Once we have a fix, we'll update the content at SORT and the issue you are seeing will disappear. "

    So the solution to the issue is either block access to SORT (for now at least), or use the environment variable as mentioned in the technote.


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