NBU status: 96, EMM status: Cleaning media is not available
I try clean drive tape manually and get message:
21.04.2014 13:32:43 - requesting resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000:__ANY__
21.04.2014 13:32:43 - Error nbjm(pid=7056) NBU status: 96, EMM status: Cleaning media is not available
21.04.2014 13:32:43 - end operation
unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available(96)
I go Media and Device Management > Expand Devices > Click on Robots and the robot (TLD0). Then in property of the N000L1 CLN000L1 HC3_CLN
I set Number of Cleaning Remainig to 26. Then I run vmquery -m N000l1 and see that cleanings left: 26
Then I clean drive tape manually again and get message:
21.04.2014 13:47:54 - granted resource N000L1
21.04.2014 13:47:54 - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000
21.04.2014 13:47:54 - begin
21.04.2014 13:47:57 - Info bptm(pid=2368) start
21.04.2014 13:47:58Cleaning drive HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000 from server tmn-dc01 with media N000L1.
21.04.2014 13:48:47 - Error bptm(pid=2368) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
21.04.2014 13:48:49 - current media N000L1 complete, requesting next resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000:None:N000L1
21.04.2014 13:48:53 - Info bptm(pid=2368) EXITING with status 98 <----------
21.04.2014 13:48:53 - Error nbjm(pid=7056) NBU status: 98, EMM status: The media server reported a system error
error requesting media (tpreq)(98)
What to do with this error - NBU status: 98, EMM status: The media server reported a system error
error requesting media (tpreq)(98) ?
I run vmquery -m N000l1 again and see that cleanings left: 0
Result of run vmquery -m N000l1:
media ID: N000L1
media type: 1/2" cleaning tape 3 (25)
barcode: CLN000L1
media description: ---
volume pool: None (0)
robot type: TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
robot number: 0
robot slot: 8
robot control host: tmn-dc01
volume group: 000_00000_TLD
vault name: ---
vault sent date: ---
vault return date: ---
vault slot: ---
vault session id: ---
vault container id: -
created: 08.08.2012 19:15:25
assigned: ---
last mounted: ---
first mount: ---
expiration date: ---
cleanings left: 0
While you may have told NetBackup there are cleanings left, its possible that the robot rejects the cleaning media anyway and could be why your getting TpErrno = Robot operation failed. See if you can mount it with robtest as well.
If none of that works, try to remove and re-add the tape from NetBackup. If that doesn't work, try adding a different cleaning tape. Also try a cleaning with the tape through the robot interface. See if you get errors there.