Forum Discussion

ipmanyak's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

NBU status: 96, EMM status: Cleaning media is not available

I try clean drive tape manually and get message:

21.04.2014 13:32:43 - requesting resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000:__ANY__
21.04.2014 13:32:43 - Error nbjm(pid=7056) NBU status: 96, EMM status: Cleaning media is not available   
21.04.2014 13:32:43 - end operation
unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available(96)

I go Media and Device Management > Expand Devices > Click on Robots and  the robot (TLD0). Then in property of the N000L1    CLN000L1    HC3_CLN   

I set Number of Cleaning Remainig to 26. Then I run vmquery -m N000l1 and see that cleanings left:        26

Then  I clean drive tape manually again and get message:

21.04.2014 13:47:54 - granted resource N000L1
21.04.2014 13:47:54 - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000
21.04.2014 13:47:54 - begin
21.04.2014 13:47:57 - Info bptm(pid=2368) start            
21.04.2014 13:47:58Cleaning drive HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000 from server tmn-dc01 with media N000L1.
21.04.2014 13:48:47 - Error bptm(pid=2368) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed     
21.04.2014 13:48:49 - current media N000L1 complete, requesting next resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000:None:N000L1
21.04.2014 13:48:53 - Info bptm(pid=2368) EXITING with status 98 <----------        
21.04.2014 13:48:53 - Error nbjm(pid=7056) NBU status: 98, EMM status: The media server reported a system error
error requesting media (tpreq)(98)

What to do with this error  - NBU status: 98, EMM status: The media server reported a system error
error requesting media (tpreq)(98)   ?


I run vmquery -m N000l1 again and see that cleanings left:    0

Result of  run vmquery -m N000l1:


media ID:              N000L1

media type:            1/2" cleaning tape 3 (25)

barcode:               CLN000L1

media description:     ---

volume pool:           None (0)

robot type:            TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)

robot number:          0

robot slot:            8

robot control host:    tmn-dc01

volume group:          000_00000_TLD

vault name:            ---

vault sent date:       ---

vault return date:     ---

vault slot:            ---

vault session id:      ---

vault container id:    -

created:               08.08.2012 19:15:25

assigned:              ---

last mounted:          ---

first mount:           ---

expiration date:       ---

cleanings left:        0



  • Hello,

    While you may have told NetBackup there are cleanings left, its possible that the robot rejects the cleaning media anyway and could be why your getting TpErrno = Robot operation failed. See if you can mount it with robtest as well.

    If none of that works, try to remove and re-add the tape from NetBackup. If that doesn't work, try adding a different cleaning tape. Also try a cleaning with the tape through the robot interface. See if you get errors there.

  • Hello,

    While you may have told NetBackup there are cleanings left, its possible that the robot rejects the cleaning media anyway and could be why your getting TpErrno = Robot operation failed. See if you can mount it with robtest as well.

    If none of that works, try to remove and re-add the tape from NetBackup. If that doesn't work, try adding a different cleaning tape. Also try a cleaning with the tape through the robot interface. See if you get errors there.

  • ;Error bptm(pid=2368) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed   

    The above error says that the robot does not believe that this tape is compatibile with the drive.
    You need to find out what type of cleaning cartridges can be used in this robot/drive(s).

    Please show us output of robtest when you try and mount the cleaning tape manually:

    m s8 d<number>

    Robtest commands that can be used to test the SCSI functionality of a robot

  • when I try  without parameters C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>robtest.exe
    No robots are configured

  • Marianne.

    When I try robtest.exe  with any parameters I get reply - "usage: robtest.exe". What does it mean?

    My clean tape in slot 8,

    d<number> - number of that ? Number of slot?

  • You need to run robtest on the robot control host.

    Please have a look at robtest TN. 

    d<number> will be the drive number that you want to clean.

    s d 
    will show you the list of tape drives in the robot.


  • Thanks Marianne!

    robtest run on the robot control host really. I cannot run command  m s8 dx, where x 2-7, with message  - x is an invalid drive number". Command start only  only with d1.

    Result of m s8 d1:

    m s8 d1
    Initiating MOVE_MEDIUM from address 1008 to 1
    move_medium failed
    sense key = 0x3, asc = 0x30, ascq = 0x7, CLEANING FAILURE

  • Marianne.

    Please reply me on my first post

    My problem still isn't solved.

  • Seems the robot does not believe that this tape can be used as Cleaning tape.

    sense key = 0x3, asc = 0x30, ascq = 0x7, CLEANING FAILURE

    This error is coming from the robot - NBU is getting the same error from the robot when you attempt to clean the drive.

    Check your robot documentation (User Guide may be a good start) for compatible cleaning media as well as label requirements of cleaning media. Or phone your robot support team and tell them the sense key error codes.

    What is your robot make/model? 

    Have you tried to take this cleaning tape out of the robot to see if the cleaning tape is indeed compatible with your drive type? 

    Oh! vmquery output shows cleanings left:  0 (not 26!)

    Also bear in mind that Cleaning tapes have 'internal memory'. So, NBU cleaning settings actually mean nothing - if cleaning tape has been used up outside of NBU, there is no way that we can know this.


  • I try to clean manual from hard console, but I get information that cleaning drive is incorrect. But tape was correct. I change the cleaning tape to another tape - Universal Cleaning tape. And manually cleaning was executed successfully. Thanks to all for the help.

  • Good thing you added a new cleaning tape.

    Seems the old cleaning tape was 'used up'. 
    It has been in use for almost 2 years and shows 0 cleanings left:

    created:               08.08.2012 19:15:25
    cleanings left:        0


    Even the robot rejected the tape when you tried to manually mount it.