Forum Discussion

syedzeeshan's avatar
12 years ago

Nebtackup job status script

hi ,


i need some assistance regarding a script which i was using before netbackup upgrade 7.5


windows 2008 R2



here is the script i am unable to run it from nbu command line


C:\Progra~1\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -U -backstat -s info -hoursago 24 >> %LOGFILE%

similary i can get the output into a output file is attached




Script .cmd

set LOGFILE="C:\ALJScripts\Logs\status.txt"


echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > %LOGFILE%
echo Summary Report by Status Code >> %LOGFILE%
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> %LOGFILE%

bperror -backstat -by_statcode -U -hoursago 24 >> %LOGFILE%

echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> %LOGFILE%
echo Detail Report >> %LOGFILE%
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> %LOGFILE%
bperror -U -backstat -s info -hoursago 24 >> %LOGFILE%
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> %LOGFILE%

REM echo Below Report with Kbytes Written >> %LOGFILE%
REM bperror -all -hoursago 12 | grep Kbytes >> %LOGFILE%

REM blat %LOGFILE% -t -subject "Backup Status for Jobs between 8:00 AM to 8:00 AM"


blat is configured and i m receiving emails

but this script is not running

any work around or guidance is appreciated


thank you



  • You have not defined a PATH variable, so you need to specify the full path to bperror command.

4 Replies

  • Error “C:\ALJScripts\Backup_Scripts>bperror -backstat -by_statcode -U -hoursago 24  1>>


    'bperror' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

    operable program or batch file.”

    attach is the script error


  • You have not defined a PATH variable, so you need to specify the full path to bperror command.

  • Or ...

    put the full path in the script.



    echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > %LOGFILE%
    echo Summary Report by Status Code >> %LOGFILE%
    echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> %LOGFILE%

    C:\Progra~1\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bperror -backstat -by_statcode -U -hoursago 24 >> %LOGFILE%

    I don't understand why people don't set the PATH variable on the OS - I sit on webex and watch people type in long paths every time they run a command.

    You could set the path to the command as a variable in the script .


    set ADMINCMD="C:\Progra~1\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmdt"

    Then use

    %ADMINCMD%\bperror -backstat -by_statcode -U -hoursago 24 >> %LOGFILE%

    That way, you don't have paths in the script (well, only once) and it's neater + will work on any machine.

    To set the paths, see part A in here


  • thanks for sharing

    since i add the variable

    i am not receiving any emails now


    please guide me step by step if possible add in the script

    because we have two in the script

    rem bperror -backstat -by_statcode -U -hoursago 24 >> %LOGFILE%

    echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> %LOGFILE%
    echo Detail Report >> %LOGFILE%
    echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> %LOGFILE%
    bperror -U -backstat -s info -hoursago 24 >> %LOGFILE%
    echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> %LOGFILE%

    REM echo Below Report with Kbytes Written >> %LOGFILE%
    REM bperror -all -hoursago 12 | grep Kbytes >> %LOGFILE%