Forum Discussion

Arshad_Khateeb's avatar
9 years ago

Need to run NBCC and fix the issue with catalog

Catalog backups are completing with partial success. Looks like we need to run Netbackup Catalog Consistency Check.

ROOT@backupmaster# pwd
ROOT@backupmaster# ls
MoreOldNBCCRs   bin             hp11.00         nbcplogs        output
NBCC            cmd.stderr.txt  input           nbdna           rs6000_433
NBCCR           config          linux2.4        nbsu            solaris7
OldNBCCRs       doc             nbcc            nbsupport       x86
ROOT@backupmaster# NBCC -help
NBCC: not found
ROOT@backupmaster# NBCCR -help
NBCCR: not found

  • /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/support is not in your $PATH so just precede the command with ./


    ./NBCC -help

    or use the absolute path


    /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/support/NBCC -help



    Nice to see the job details for the partial success though .....

20 Replies

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  • We are unable to find any corrupt image headers from the 'find' commands

    I'm going with NBCC now. We're discussing if we can run it today in afternoon but just want to know how long will it take.

    Also, it will not break anything or try to repair, right?
    We just need to run NBCC on master and the output will go under the support directory? Or Is this need to be directed somewhere?

    Any other things to take care of?

  • NBCC will not break or repair anything so you don't need to worry about that. It just reads data from the database, no updates are made at all unless you tell it to.

    The output will be logged under output\nbcc directory automatically so there is no need to do any file redirections.

    NBCC will vary in how long it will take. Shouldn't take longer than 20 minutes on an average system.

    As Martin said earlier, just run it, you don't need to "prepare" the system in anyway. As long as NetBackup is up and running it will work.


  • Thank you!

    I'll be running NBCC shortly and have also planned to run the bpdbm consistency check [level 2] if it completes early and doesn't mess with anything in production.

    I'll keep you all posted and once again thanks for all your inputs/thoughts Marianne/Martin/Revaroo


  • One thing - download the latest copy of NBCC before you send in the output ....

    This can be run, even if the NBU version is lower.

  • No, if the customer does not pay for support then they can't open a support case unless they are going through a contract renewel process.

  • No point in running NBCC then. Use other methods as suggested above to find problematic images.
  • Two methods exist for validating the consistency of the NetBackup EMM (Enterprise Media Manager) and BMR (Bare Metal Restore) Databases. One is performed from a command line interface CLI and the other by using the NetBackup database administration utility which is included in NetBackup 6.5.2 or later.

    Note: Before performing a consistency check, stop all NetBackup Services on the EMM server.

    The master and EMM servers are usually the same server.

    Once all services have stopped, start only the ASA Service.

    6.x: <install_path>\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpup -e ASANYs_VERITAS_NB
    7.x: <install_path>\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpup -e SQLANYs_VERITAS_NB

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbdbms_start_stop start

    Method 1: Using the command line interface (CLI):
    To perform a consistency check from the CLI, issue the following commands:
    <install_path>\NetBackup\bin>nbdb_admin <databasename> -validate -full
    cd /usr/openv/db/bin
    ./nbdb_admin <databasename> -validate -full
    If any inconsistencies are found, they will be reported.
    For a consistent database, no errors reported will be returned as output.

    Method 2: Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility:
    To perform the consistency check using the NB DB Admin Utility (provided in NetBackup 6.5.2 or later) do the following:
    The NbDbAdmin GUI will load up and ask for the database password. If the password has never been changed, enter the default password nbusql. The tool will present you with the General tab. When the tool starts up, it will implicitly run a consistency check of the database. If no errors are found, the tool will report Database NBDB is alive and well. To check the BMR database, select the BMRDB and run the validation by navigating: General tab > Validation > Validate > Full.  Confirm that no errors were reported by checking the final line of the output.

    (Figure 1)
    cd /usr/openv/db/bin
    The dbadm MUI (menu user interface) will open and ask for the database password. If the password has never been changed, enter the default nbusql. As with the Windows GUI, the UNIX MUI also implicitly checks the consistency of the EMM database when it is started. If no errors are found, the database consistency will be displayed as OK. To check the BMR database, select the BMRDB, enter choice 4 and run a Full validation.

    (Figure 2)
  • That will validate the actual Sybase database but will not validate the consistency between the media statuses in the "mediaDB and volDB" (as they used to be known) and the NetBackup images database that NBCC would check.