Forum Discussion

LFCNZ's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Netbackup - update volume configuration error

We had a tape library that we deleted from Netbackup and then readded it back in.

Unfortuantely we forgot to move the tape media from the library out of it before we did this.

So now when we try to inventory the tape media in the library it will not allow us to update the volume confiuration as it thinks the media is already in it.

Any ideas how to get around this?


  • There is probably a barcode mis-match.

    NBU identifies tapes at a physical level by barcode, it then assigns a media ID and for the most part uses the media ID to reference the tape.

    I suspect the barcode displayed by the library has changed.

    The thing to understand, is that NBU does not ever inventory a library by looking to see where the tapes are in the library.  Instead it 'asks' the library where the tapes are - the result is the same, but how it gets there is very different.

    Consider this :

    Media generation ID rule = First six characters of barcode

    Library display 8 charactors of barcode


    Barcose / Media ID

    AA1234L5  /  AA1234

    Then the library changes and now only displays the first six characters

    AA1234 / AA1234

    The result is the media ID would be the same, but the barcode is different.  As the barcode is different NBU recognises this as a new tape, but when it trys to add it into NBU it find the media ID already there, but for a different barcode, hence 'media ID not unique'.

    What to do.

    Find a tape in the media section of the GUI, write down the slot number, maedia ID and barcode.

    Run robtest from the robot control host, and then run the robtest command

    s s

    Find the tape you wrote down, and see what the barcode is, does it match what you wrote down.

    (Exit robtest)

    I suspect it will be different.

    To correct.

    Either - change the robot config (on the robot) to display the barcode the same way as before (so the barcode you see in robtest is the same as the barcode for the tapes as seen in NBU).

    Remember, NBU has no effect on the barcodes displayed by robtest, these are sent from the library and are controlled by the library settings (despite whatever anyone else may tell you ...).

    Move media to stand alone, and re-inventory


    For each media, change the barcode to match what robtest displays

    bpmedia -m <media id> -barcode <barcode as seen in robtest>








13 Replies

  • I agree, but I can't see how a robot number change would cause a "media ID not unique in database" error, and at least as far as I remember, a robot number change inventory issue is resolved by moving the tapes to standalone first.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but it's quick and easy to check, just to rule out.

  • We often see that a robot main board replacement or firmware update will result in different robot setting - either now reading all 8 chars whereas before only 6 or the other way round.

    vmcheckxxx (cmd version of Inventory 'check and compare') will tell us what the robot sees and what the current config looks like.


  • Hi


    I found what the issue was.

    On our library someone had changed the way the barcodes were being read, so the same tapes were being read differently.


    Changed back to how the tapes were read previously and then would allow me up update volume configuration.


    Thanks for all help :)