Forum Discussion

Malak's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Netbackup with JOB state UNKNOWN

Hello everybody,

We have just upgraded from 7.1 to, all our server Master(clustered 2 nodes) and medias(7x).

We were having some 83 & 84 status and also some 50 that could not be deleted. This seems to be resolved.

Now we have some Backup and Image Cleaning JOBs that never end, and after some time (not sure but like 24hours and more) JOB state goes to UNKNOWN. We have one JOB running for 6 days, it does nothing, it can't be canceled .... none of this JOBs can be deleted or Canceled.

Could this be the new 50 status?! Don't show 50 but show UNKNOWN :(


see attach file for example.


Thank you all for your ideas.

