Forum Discussion

StefanoCarrara's avatar
10 years ago

Netbackup 7.5 Hot Catalog Backup with SLP

Hello All,

Are there any issue with use SLP for saving Hot Catalog Backup with NetBackup-RedHat2.6.18

Is there any TN or document from Symantec related on it?


Here before our SLP for Hot Catalog Backup:


                                Name: T2T_BG_MI_CATALOG_LNX_HCART3_2WEEKS
                 Data Classification: (none specified)
            Duplication job priority: 0
                               State: active
                             Version: 0
 Operation  1              Use for: 0 (backup)
                             Storage: Lnx_BG_TLD0_HCART3
                         Volume Pool: CatalogBackup
                        Server Group: Any
                      Retention Type: 0 (Fixed)
                     Retention Level: 1 (2 weeks)
               Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
               Preserve Multiplexing: false
      Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
                               State: active
                              Source: 0 (client)
                        Operation ID: (none specified)
                     Operation Index: 1
 Operation  2              Use for: 0 (backup)
                             Storage: Lnx_BG_TLD1_HCART3
                         Volume Pool: CatalogBackup
                        Server Group: Any
                      Retention Type: 0 (Fixed)
                     Retention Level: 1 (2 weeks)
               Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
               Preserve Multiplexing: false
      Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
                               State: active
                              Source: 0 (client)
                        Operation ID: (none specified)
                     Operation Index: 2


Thank's in advance.



  • Its fine, you're protecting your catalog and you're using more than one location which is even better.

4 Replies

  • Its fine, you're protecting your catalog and you're using more than one location which is even better.

  • Thank you for replay.

    I know there was an issue with SLP in Hot Catalog with NBU 7.1 (or isn't in Best Practice).

    I want to know what's new in 7.5, if there are something TN...




  • Not that I found anywhere. In my 7.1 there might have been a limitation on using Tape in SLPs.




    Found this in (the link to TECH72198 doesn't work though)


    As long as you're aware of how to work the copies you'll be fine. You're not duplicating but making inline copy so 3rd point doesn't apply.


    Considerations when using SLPs with Catalog Backups

    NetBackup 6.5.4 introduced the ability to use SLPs with catalog backups, however the following points need to be considered when doing this:

    When writing to tape or VTL catalog, backups must be directed to volume pools which have the ―catalog backup‖ attribute set. This attribute is not checked when an SLP is configured for use with a catalog backup policy so you must check that the pool attributes are set correctly when you create the storage operations in the SLP.

    If catalog backups are duplicated using SLPs, additional steps are required to restore the catalog from a non-primary copy of the catalog backup. More information about this can be found in the NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide.

    If catalog backups are duplicated using SLPs, both parts of the catalog backup must be duplicated in the same duplication job.

    Additional steps are required when recovering catalog backups from disk storage types supported with SLPs. More information about this process can be found in TECH72198