Forum Discussion

tarangdce's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

NetBackup Accelerator with DataDomain


Need some help on accelerator with data domain as a backup destination.

We are planing for NetBackup 7.5 upgrade with FETB license. Can someone please let me know "Is there any dependancy for using "Accelerator" with DataDomain" ?

Do we need de-duplication license to use Accelerator?

I came to know that it will not work if you have DataDomain as a Backup Destination device.




  • NetBackup Accelerator is an OpenStroage feature. OpenStorage partners need to update their plugins to support the new APIs made available by Symantec and get the plugin qualified for Accelerator. Note that Optimized Synthetic backup (a feature released since NetBackup 6.5.4) and NetBackup Accelerator (a feature released with NetBackup 7.5) are two different qualifications. 


     Partners are developing these plugins so that they get competitive advantage over devices without OpenStorage support. Further, the more OpenStorage features a partner support (e.g. Optimized duplication, Optimized Synthesis, Auto Image Replication, NetBackup Accelerator etc.), the better competitive advantage they get over others with lesser number of OpenStorage features. Hence Symantec offers NDA to partners so that their development and release plans for the plugins are protected until they formally make their announcement.

       Thus, Symantec cannot share anything related to where a particular partner is in terms of supporting a specific OpenStorage feature. We encourage customers to contact respective partners for their backend device. Hope this helps to understand why we cannot speak for the upcoming features in partner OST plugins! 

       I can talk about what is already released by partners. Data Domain currently supports Optimized Synthetic Backups. Their plugin is does not support for NetBackup Accelerator. I would recommend talking to EMC if you need the latest info in support for NetBackup Accelerator. 

  • We were told by a NetBackup Product manager that the feature is not 'yet' supported by Data Domain.

    Another PM told us last week that NBU and DD developers are 'in the process' of working on a solution.

    We were asked to put pressure on EMC:

    What you will need to do is ask EMC when they will support optimized synthetic backup and NetBackup Accelerator because they don’t support it today.

  • Marianne is right.

    Today, Backup accelerator is only supported with MSDP (Internal Netbackup Deduplication, or Symantec Deduplication Appliances).

    Some advanced functionnalities like Optimized Synthetic Backup are supported by appliances (Quantum DXi) but not yet with EMC DD.

    French Symantec people said me that source deduplication in Netbackup (consequently Backup Accelerator) will not be opened to appliances of other contructors. May be they will (have) change.

  • Correct, it is also support with backups to Cloud storage as well.


  • I agree.

    It is supported because cloud storage is "simple not local disk" and deduplication is made by Netbackup himself, like MSDP.

  • I am not using any native NBU de-duplication.

    If i have purchased license for Accelerator, Should I be able to backup data to LOCAL DISK ?

    Can you share some documents where its says that "Accelerator is not supported if your backup destination is DataDomain"

  • See the following in NetBackup Administrator's Guide for UNIX and Linux, Volume I :

    Accelerator notes and requirements
    Note the following about Accelerator in NetBackup 7.5:
    ■ NetBackup Accelerator requires the Data Protection Optimization Option
    license. For the latest information on licensing, contact your Symantec sales
    or partner representative.
    ■ Supports the disk storage units only. Supported storage unit types are PureDisk
    (MSDP, PureDisk, appliance), cloud storage, and qualified third-party OST
    storage. The NetBackup device mapping files list all supported storage types.


    NetBackup 7.x Hardware Compatibility List (HCL):
    contains details of features and functionality for all supported NBU and OST manufacturers.

  • What Is the dependency between Acceleraor and DD storage unit ?

    can you explain ?



    Phani Kumar

  • NetBackup Accelerator is an OpenStroage feature. OpenStorage partners need to update their plugins to support the new APIs made available by Symantec and get the plugin qualified for Accelerator. Note that Optimized Synthetic backup (a feature released since NetBackup 6.5.4) and NetBackup Accelerator (a feature released with NetBackup 7.5) are two different qualifications. 


     Partners are developing these plugins so that they get competitive advantage over devices without OpenStorage support. Further, the more OpenStorage features a partner support (e.g. Optimized duplication, Optimized Synthesis, Auto Image Replication, NetBackup Accelerator etc.), the better competitive advantage they get over others with lesser number of OpenStorage features. Hence Symantec offers NDA to partners so that their development and release plans for the plugins are protected until they formally make their announcement.

       Thus, Symantec cannot share anything related to where a particular partner is in terms of supporting a specific OpenStorage feature. We encourage customers to contact respective partners for their backend device. Hope this helps to understand why we cannot speak for the upcoming features in partner OST plugins! 

       I can talk about what is already released by partners. Data Domain currently supports Optimized Synthetic Backups. Their plugin is does not support for NetBackup Accelerator. I would recommend talking to EMC if you need the latest info in support for NetBackup Accelerator.