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Dav1234's avatar
Level 5
4 years ago

Netbackup cloud catalyst

Hello Team,

currently we are running on netbackup 8.1 on windows server but we are planning to upgrade it to latest one and also planning to migrate it to Solaris box from windows machine.

is there any EOS os netbackup for solaris in near future?? as i have seen that more organizations and customer are preffering LInux instead of Solaris and also all netbackup appliances are using redhat... i want just confirmation on this . so that we will plan it accordingly whether to go with solaris or Linux. And which one is good to opt Solaris or Linux box and why?

Further,considering few things like.. we are also planning to integrate cloud with netbackup to send data to cloud storage in near future. so considering cloud, what OS would be best to migrate it (Linux or Solaris?). 

How we can integrate netbackup cloud catalyst  with netbackup. what are the pre-requisites. if anyone can share netbackup cloud catalyst pdf and configuration pdf then it would be very helpful for me.


Best regards,



  • HI Dav1234 

    If you're talking 8.3, then I would strongly suggest going RHEL or CentOS. I would also look at MSDP Cloud (or MSDP-C which is new to 8.3). Although I like Solaris (and in fact cut my teeth using that OS), its days are numbered - I have no knowledge of how long Veritas will continue to support this as a server platform, but I imagine as its use declines it will go the way of HP-UX and AIX and only be supported as a client. 

    Cloud Catalyst will continue to be supported but it will be depreciated at some future time, MSDP-C is the way to go as it does not require a separate media server to drive it and it has a number of other feature benefits also. The MSDP-C does require RHEL or CentOS as the OS platform - hence a second reason for my original suggestion (a Cloud Cataylst server would also requires a RHEL platform).

    Hope this helps


2 Replies

  • HI Dav1234 

    If you're talking 8.3, then I would strongly suggest going RHEL or CentOS. I would also look at MSDP Cloud (or MSDP-C which is new to 8.3). Although I like Solaris (and in fact cut my teeth using that OS), its days are numbered - I have no knowledge of how long Veritas will continue to support this as a server platform, but I imagine as its use declines it will go the way of HP-UX and AIX and only be supported as a client. 

    Cloud Catalyst will continue to be supported but it will be depreciated at some future time, MSDP-C is the way to go as it does not require a separate media server to drive it and it has a number of other feature benefits also. The MSDP-C does require RHEL or CentOS as the OS platform - hence a second reason for my original suggestion (a Cloud Cataylst server would also requires a RHEL platform).

    Hope this helps


    • Dav1234's avatar
      Level 5

      Hello Team,

      we have around 76 Tb data, earlier customer  asked us  that we need this much data for 3 months retention period and so we have put that data in one of storage (temporary for three months only) but now client want us to increase the retention for 7 years and we cannot increase to 7 years on that storage. we do have appliances but that also dont have this much space.

      client suggest us AWS option to migrate that 76 Tb of data to glacier.

      i have gone through couple of docs like how to integrate AWS with netbackup? How to configure cloud catalyst means what would be the pre-requisites? what would be the cost?

      is there any other method to migrate data to cloud  w/o configuring cloud catalyst through netbackup? which is lesser in cost!!

      has anyone did this?if yes, can you please share the POA?