Forum Discussion

Dan_Vargas's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Question about schedules

Hi all.

I would like my full backups to run every first weekend of the month. I have configured my schedules the following way:

- FULLs. Follow the calendar. Included day: First Friday of the month. Execution window: Fri 6pm to Mon 6 am.

- CINCs. Every day. Execution window: It will run from 6pm till 6 am every day except Sat and Sun.

My questions are:

Tomorrow is the first Friday of the month. Imagine that I have 30 jobs queued on Fri at 23.59. When it's Sat 00.00, will NBU cancel the 30 jobs that are queued? Remember the execution window is for the whole weekend but the included days option is configured only for the first Friday.

If the jobs are not cancelled, but some fail let's say at Sat noon, will they be retried?


I've configured the included days to first Friday of the month only because if I include the first Sat or Sun, they may be on different weekends compared to the first Friday of the month. For instance, in October.


  • If you are on NetBackup 7.6 or above you will be fine.

    In earlier versions they would fail with a missed backup window but after NBU 7.6 they are fine

    With earlier versions you can tick the "Run after runday" box on the schedule to get around it

12 Replies