Forum Discussion

Verneti_Berny's avatar
12 years ago

Restore catalog NBU 7.1


I´m having problem to restore catalog backup of my NBU.

I´m installing a new server with windows 2008 x64, my old server was windows 2003. I created a new blank database in new server and after proceed with restore my catalog backup from administration console, it is running during two hours and the last line on screen is "starting databases..".

I was looking for log of EMM database on C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\nbemm and this file is show me many messages with failed to connect to database... 

Can anybody help me?

The log file of nbemm is attached.



  • Just make sure when you install NetBackup and it shows its netbackup name that you remove the FQDN part from the end - that is all that matters really (unless the server name itself was different but i dont see how that can be the case)

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