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MOIMOI's avatar
Level 4
15 years ago

Restore Exchange 2007 CCR with Windows 2008 on RSG

Hi All,

I have a problem restoring Exchange 2007 CCR with is installed on Windows 2008 Server. I am able to backup the CCR using the Virtual name.

Setup is

 2 mailbox servers MBX1 and MBX2 on CCR (on windows 2008 server)...Virtual name for the CCR is EVS1...
 Netbackup Master Server is and i used the Virtual Cluster name EVS1 for the making the backup policy and backed up the Exchange successfully.
 Logs are stored in C drive and the Exchange DB is on E drive.
 Once backed up i can see the IS as well as the logs.

When restoring

I created RSG..mounted the RSG and set up the option "Database can be overwritten by restore" and dismounted the RSG and tired the restore.

I select (under backup.archieve and restore) the Virtual Name EVS1 as source and destination (policy type is MS-Exchange server) and started the restore. I get the following error:

11:14:54 9/7/2009: Restore Started

11:14:56 ( Restore job id 14517 will require 1 image.
11:14:56 ( Media id A00025 is needed for the restore.

11:15:30 (14517.001) Restoring from image created 9/6/2009 11:48:58 AM
11:15:33 (14517.001) INF - If Media id A00025 is not in a robotic library administrative interaction may be required to satisfy this mount request.
11:15:35 (14517.001) INF - Waiting for mount of media id A00025 on server caching2 for reading.
11:16:26 (14517.001) INF - Waiting for positioning of media id A00025 on server caching2 for reading.
11:17:37 (14517.001) INF - Beginning restore from server caching2 to client EVS1.
11:17:39 (14517.001) TAR - Microsoft Information Store:\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database
11:17:39 (14517.001) MNR - The file was renamed to the following:
11:17:39 (14517.001) UTF - Microsoft Information Store:\Recovery Storage Group\Mailbox Database
11:17:44 (14517.001) (14517.001) ERR - unable to create object for restore: Microsoft Information Store:\Recovery Storage Group\Mailbox Database (BEDS 0xE000FE30: A communications failure has occurred.) 11:17:45 (14517.001) TAR - Microsoft Information Store:\First Storage Group\Log files_1252223338
11:17:45 (14517.001) MNR - The file was renamed to the following:
11:17:45 (14517.001) UTF - Microsoft Information Store:\Recovery Storage Group\Log files_1252223338
11:17:45 (14517.001) (14517.001) ERR - unable to create object for restore: Microsoft Information Store:\Recovery Storage Group\Log files_1252223338 (BEDS 0xE000032F: The restore failed because a connection could not be made to the Microsoft Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) to load the restore environment. Make sure that there are no other restore operations in process, and then try this operation again.)
11:17:50 (14517.001) (14517.001) INF - Commit is set, but no log files are included in this restore request. Log files are required to perform Exchange database recovery.
11:17:50 (14517.001) (14517.001) WRN - You must restore the logs from the last backup set for Microsoft Information Store:\Recovery Storage Group\ by itself for proper recovery.
11:17:50 (14517.001) (14517.001) INF - TAR EXITING WITH STATUS = 5
11:17:50 (14517.001) (14517.001) INF - TAR RESTORED 0 OF 2 FILES SUCCESSFULLY
11:17:50 (14517.001) (14517.001) INF - TAR KEPT 0 EXISTING FILES
11:17:50 (14517.001) (14517.001) INF - TAR PARTIALLY RESTORED 0 FILES

11:17:51 (14517.001) Status of restore from image created 9/6/2009 11:48:58 AM = tar did not find all the files to be restored

11:17:51 INF - Server status = 5
11:17:51 ( INF - Status = the restore failed to recover the requested files.

Has any one tired the above scenario and had success?We still are not live yet coz i need to try the backups and restore before we go LIVE.

Thank you in advance.


  • Hi All,

    Finally i have solved the CCR issue.

    I upgraded the client agent to 6.5.3 (x64) on both MBX001 and MBX002. Used Virutal server name to backup the server.

    created RSG on the active node i.e used virutal server name to login and created the RSG.

    Mounted the RSG and flagged the data base can be over written byt restore option.

    NOTE: make sure you DISMOUNT the RSG before you start the restore.

    From Master server under backup,archieve and restore use click Action---->Restore---->General TAB select "Restore evertying on different location" and under destination make sure it is Microsoft Information Store:\Recovery Storage Group\

    Also make sure under backup,archieve and restore--->file---->specify netbackup machines and policy type make sure the SOURCE and DESTINATION is the VIRTUAL SERVER NAME.

    I restored it successfull and able to merge the mailboxes.

    Thank you all for the comments and time.


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