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Spartacus81's avatar
10 years ago

Restore (GRT) from Sharepoint VMWARE Backup

Friends, NBU Master W2K8 64bit NBU Media SuSe 10 SP2 Linux 64bit as Proxy Server Sharepoint FEWS 2010 W2K8 SP 1 Sharepoint SQL Backend  W2K8 SP 2 Just got the sharepoin...
  • Spartacus81's avatar
    10 years ago

    Thanks for your response mate.. Course its all setup correctly hence why all backups are working (Sharepoint agent, Sharepoint agent GRT and Sharepoint VMWARE).. 

    anyway i have figured it out its bascially down to the precise server name that BPRESOLVER picking it up while captuing the ASC and it was all in uppercase without the domain name.

    So for example if the FEWS FQDN is you need to look into the ASC job log for the line 

    16/12/2014 09:55:11 - Info ascc(pid=4827) SharePoint: Host successfully protected SharePoint and cataloged under XXXXX.

    so make sure you put that XXXXX name in the BAR gui to be able to browse the shareopint vmware backup it may be difference than what you think it might be. now i have figured it it feels like its a school boy error... :)