Forum Discussion

smart2011's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

restore single table space from oracle



I’m using NetBackup 7.0 (windows master server) and Oracle database 11 is running on Linux 5.5 operating system.


My DBA wants to restore single tablespace from backup. We have restored full database and it is working fine. but facing problem while restoring single tablespace.


  • I have done the following steps,
  • Full backup of database
  • delete one test “tablespaces”
  • Open NetBackup oracle recovery wizard and select main table space in restore tab(that selects all available table space) I know that if we delete any table space we will not be able browse it.
  • Run restore wizard and job completed successfully . I am selecting option to restore it from last full backup.
  • after restore shutdown database and started it again but still unable to see deleted database.
  • i tried to alterdatbase as well but that was not working.


Let me know if I’m missing some thing and what is the best way to restore single tablespaces in NetBackup.


Look forward useful information. 

  • Hi,

    The way you are doing is not right. If you are dropping/deleting database from Oracle its mean that Oracle is also updating respective control files. In that case you have to restore old control file and restore point in time database.

    DBAs always create problem for that especially when they don't have idea of database recovery. I'll suggest you to delete datafiles from OS and try to restore it, i'm share that will work for you. I've done the same practice for one of my customer.

    following are the limitations of GUI recovery.

    • The database is displayed only in its current state. If objects have been deleted from the database since the last backup, these objects do not appear among the objects you can select for restore. To restore the objects that have been deleted, you need to restore the entire database point in time before the objects were deleted.
    • Data is restored to the original location. The wizard does not provide a way for the user to specify alternate file names.
    • The wizard does not restore control files.

    following link will really assist you to restore tablespace,

    i hope that will assist you.

3 Replies

  • What options have you selected for recovery, are you applying the redo logs after the restore of the database is complete? I'm no oracle guru but if you do, that is probably just re-doing the delete. You probably need to do a point in time recovery with something like recover database until change/time. and then a alter database open resetlogs.

  • So let him have at it.  It can be as simple as the example in the Admin Guide or as complicated as some DBAs like to make it.  smiley




    allocate channel t1 'SBT_TAPE';

    sql 'alter tablespace TEST offline immediate'

    # restore the datafile to a new location

    set newname for datafile '/oradata/test.f' to '/oradata_new/test.f';

    restore tablespace TEST;

    # make the control file recognize the restored file as current

    switch datafile all;

    recover tablespace TEST;

    release channel t1;


  • Hi,

    The way you are doing is not right. If you are dropping/deleting database from Oracle its mean that Oracle is also updating respective control files. In that case you have to restore old control file and restore point in time database.

    DBAs always create problem for that especially when they don't have idea of database recovery. I'll suggest you to delete datafiles from OS and try to restore it, i'm share that will work for you. I've done the same practice for one of my customer.

    following are the limitations of GUI recovery.

    • The database is displayed only in its current state. If objects have been deleted from the database since the last backup, these objects do not appear among the objects you can select for restore. To restore the objects that have been deleted, you need to restore the entire database point in time before the objects were deleted.
    • Data is restored to the original location. The wizard does not provide a way for the user to specify alternate file names.
    • The wizard does not restore control files.

    following link will really assist you to restore tablespace,

    i hope that will assist you.