Forum Discussion

krono's avatar
Level 3
17 years ago

Retention Period Problem



We have 7 servers to backup during the night. We are using Maxell ULTRIUM LTO 2 tapes into a Scalar robot. Normaly the backup takes two tapes. But sometimes it takes 3 tapes. I don't uderstand why. We have 2 tapes for mondays, 2 for tuesdays, etc... and 4 tapes in the scratchpool. 


The retention period is setup on 1 week. When the backup starts, the tapes assigned for the day are maybe not available due to the retention period. At this time if none of the two tapes are available, it takes tapes into the scratchpool... 


So I do not understand how it is possible to have some FULL media and have 3 tapes for a backup. If it takes tapes from scratch pool, they are empty, if it takes tape from the volume pool day, it means that the retention period is over so the tape is available ( it goes into the scrath pool ) and is empty... 


Thanks in advance for your help

  • krono wrote:

    How is it possible to append on a media ??? I never set this.

    This is default (only?) action. If there is ACTIVE media in the Volume Pool (i.e. space left on tape) then when a backup starts it will use that tape from the Volume Pool. If there are no ACTIVE media in the Volume Pool (i.e. FULL/no space left on tape) then when the backup starts it will assign a tape from the Scratch Pool (if one is configured). If there are no ACTIVE tapes available and a Scratch Pool is NOT configured then the backup will fail.

    krono wrote:
    I believed that there is only two possibilities. If the tape is available it takes it and overwrite everything, or the tape is not available and it take a tape from the scratch pool...

    Will only 'overwrite' everything IF all images have expired (Time Assigned column in Media/Volume Pool will be blank). Yes, if no tape available it will take a tape from Scratch.

    krono wrote:

    In which situation the policy will perform an append to media instead of an overwrite ?

    See above - will append if tape available & ACTIVE (not FULL), 'overwrite' only if ALL images have expired.

    krono wrote:

    When I perform a MediaWritten on the tape which is full, i can see old backups of more than one month !! How is it possible that the tape is full but contains old backups that are expired due to retention period ?

    What's the latest/most recent expiry of the images? Possibly newer images appended to this tape. Could be that this tape is frozen.

11 Replies