SAP HANA Full Backups Show 0 Kilobytes Written and 0 Files Written
The SAP Administrators states these backups run successfully, but i do not see how much data is being written. This isnt necessarily an issue, but could be if i can not judge the amount of data being backed up.
Activity Monitor on states connecting
Detailed Status:
4/9/2014 10:28:37 AM - Info nbjm(pid=12356) starting backup job (jobid=1905249) for client, policy SAP_HANA_HRX, schedule FULL
4/9/2014 10:28:37 AM - Info nbjm(pid=12356) requesting MEDIA_SERVER_WITH_ATTRIBUTES resources from RB for backup job (jobid=1905249, request id:{2A0D59B3-5C61-452E-86B1-237ECC49520D})
4/9/2014 10:28:37 AM - requesting resource PTCDD01
4/9/2014 10:28:37 AM - requesting resource
4/9/2014 10:28:37 AM - requesting resource
4/9/2014 10:28:37 AM - granted resource
4/9/2014 10:28:37 AM - granted resource
4/9/2014 10:28:37 AM - granted resource PTCDD01
4/9/2014 10:28:38 AM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed
4/9/2014 10:28:38 AM - Info nbjm(pid=12356) started backup (backupid=psaphanahrd01.loves.com_1397057317) job for client, policy SAP_HANA_HRX, schedule FULL on storage unit PTCDD01
4/9/2014 10:28:40 AM - started process bpbrm (6244)
4/9/2014 10:28:41 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=6244) is the host to backup data from
4/9/2014 10:28:41 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=6244) reading file list from client
4/9/2014 10:28:41 AM - connecting
4/9/2014 10:28:43 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=6244) starting bphdb on client
4/9/2014 10:28:43 AM - Info bphdb(pid=65213) Backup started
4/9/2014 10:28:43 AM - Info bphdb(pid=65213) Processing /sapmnt/HRX/netbackup/sap_hanadb_backup
4/9/2014 10:28:43 AM - Info bphdb(pid=65213) Waiting for the child status
4/9/2014 10:28:43 AM - connected; connect time: 00:00:02
4/9/2014 10:32:00 AM - Info bphdb(pid=65213) Script exited with status = 0 <the requested operation was successfully completed>
4/9/2014 10:32:00 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=6244) validating image for client
4/9/2014 10:32:02 AM - Info bphdb(pid=65213) done. status: 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
4/9/2014 10:32:02 AM - end writing
the requested operation was successfully completed(0)
Detailed Status showing Job Completed Successfully, with 0 Kilobytes Written, and 0 File Written. SAP Admin states a full backup was completed. Admin did not state how large the Backup was.
According to Symantec Tech Support SAP Hana is pretty new, and Netbackup does not have a way to create a child job so we can view the amount of data backed up during the backup job. This is in the works. Advised me to use the bplist command to view the amount of data backed up.