Forum Discussion

Gautier_Leblanc's avatar
12 years ago

SharePoint backup job failed, status 71.

Hi all,


Just to share my issue and the solution.


I had a SharePoint farm with 2 servers : one for IIS, second for SQL. I configured my SharePoint Backup under NBU as requested in Netbackup For SharePoint Admin Guide.

I launched my backup, 3 jobs were created : parent, SQL data (on SQL Server), dans Global Settings and Search (on IIS server). SQL job finished with status code 0, IIS jobs finished with satus 71.

I searched a lot in docs, forum, without answers... and... I found this TECH195147 about code 1 under SharePoint. I thought that it was not same problem but it was... For the same issue, you have code 1 if your SharePoint server is SQL and IIS, and if you have 2 different servers, IIS job will return status code 71.

So, I have created this post for people who search "sharepoint 71" :)



PS : Sorry for my english :-/

3 Replies

  •  We can use bpclntcmd commands provided below to check and ensure name resolution is working fine for Netbackup.


    Unix : /usr/openv/netbackup/bin
    Windows : Veritas\netbackup\bin

    bpclntcmd -pn
    bpclntcmd -self
    bpclntcmd -hn <Client Short Name>
    bpclntcmd -hn <Client fully qualified domain name >
    bpclntcmd -ip <Client Server ip

  • Hostname resolution was "perfect" with network stuffs (ping, nslookup <hostname>, nlsookup <IP>)...

    But SharePoint was configured with short name, so, half of NetBackup jobs failed because of FQDN usage and internal SharePoint backup mecanisms that not allows it.

  • Thanks for sharing, it's always a good practice to check the hostname resolution.