Forum Discussion

Spartacus81's avatar
10 years ago

Sharepoint backup/Restore failure Cannot open database "Bdc_Service_DB_"


NBU Master Windows 2008 R2 64Bit

NBU Media Linux Suse 10 SP 2

Sharepoint 2010 W2K8 FEWS+Index Server

SQL Server 2008 on W2K8 Backend Server Sharepoint DB

Backups running successfully on production setup both full and GRT. 



trying to restore the live backups to DR site. DR sharepoint server is all in one running both FEWS and BE SQL Server.

followed this technote but no joy


2: can't see the microsoft shrepoint resources in the BAR gui. getting the following error in the SPSWrapper00 logs

0f38] 07/25/14 15:21:01 Total infowrapper counts 1
[0f38] 07/25/14 15:21:01 Application name is Business Data Connectivity Service
[0f38] 07/25/14 15:21:01 Application services db name is Bdc_Service_DB_ae4bc5abe4764226abfcbb42ea866079
[0f38] 07/25/14 15:21:01  Exception is Cannot open database "Bdc_Service_DB_ae4bc5abe4764226abfcbb42ea866079" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'IX\netbackup'.

[0f38] 07/25/14 15:21:01  Exception in getting ServerInstanceName using ConnectionString   Data Source=MTSHAREPOINT\SharePoint;Initial Catalog=Bdc_Service_DB_ae4bc5abe4764226abfcbb42ea866079;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Connect Timeout=15

[0f38] 07/25/14 15:21:01  Exception is Cannot open database "Bdc_Service_DB_ae4bc5abe4764226abfcbb42ea866079" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'IX\netbackup'.

I have stopped the business data continuity service and application service but no joy. 


1: how can i get rid of this error so that sharepoint resources become visible in the BAR gui? i can tell you for sure there are no permission issues on the account as the same account is being used on the production. 

2: does the sharepoint resoources have to be visible for the restore? i would of thought yes because if they are not visible backup wont work so same goes for restore? 

any suggestion would highly be appreicated. 



4 Replies

  • Hello,


    Did you reinstall MOSS in this site? Silly question but can you back it up? If you can't backup you probably wont be able to restore neither. Have you ensured all the prereqs are in place for the new system?

  • Thanks Riaan yes i can back it up.. i submitted the bakcup and now i want to stop it as i need to reboot the server and guess what i cant stop the backup :) MOSS?

  • Ok, just had to check on that first. Cover the basics :)


    You are getting authentication issue though


    [0f38] 07/25/14 15:21:01  Exception is Cannot open database "Bdc_Service_DB_ae4bc5abe4764226abfcbb42ea866079" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'IX\netbackup'.

    [0f38] 07/25/14 15:21:01  Exception in getting ServerInstanceName using ConnectionString   Data Source=MTSHAREPOINT\SharePoint;Initial Catalog=Bdc_Service_DB_ae4bc5abe4764226abfcbb42ea866079;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Connect Timeout=15

    [0f38] 07/25/14 15:21:01  Exception is Cannot open database "Bdc_Service_DB_ae4bc5abe4764226abfcbb42ea866079" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'IX\netbackup'.

  • I have deleted the service and this authentication error is gone and managed to stop the job as well.

    Cental Admin -> Monitoring -> Review Job Definitions -> Select Backup/Restore Timer Job --> Delete