Forum Discussion

DG-2005's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

SLP Duplication Issue.

Hello Symantec forums!


I currently am trying to troubleshoot an issue in my enviornment. We have a SLP setup to dedupe within our policies from 1 DD to another. I have suspended the SLP under Storage > Storage Lifecycle Polcies in hopes that this would pause the replication that is setup within the SLP. almost all of the policies we have in place are set to run through the SLP. I am finding that the dedupe jobs are still running, and am looking for a way to suspended them from doing so until we have the 2 DD come back up in the SLP.



  • watsons: these are new backup images, so this is expected behavior.

    Thank you all for the help and assistance. hopefully this will save some others some time down the road.


    If you inactivate an SLP it applies for older as well as new images.

    The issue was that task scheduler was activating the SLP which inturn lead to the SLP duplications to run.



  • Have you tried to suspend from cmd?

    nbstlutil inactive -lifecycle <SLP-name>

    or Storage Unit:

    nbstlutil inactive -destination <STU-name>



  • Yes I have ran the following:


    nbstlutil inactive -lifecycle <SLP-name>

    which returned no output (presuming no errors from that)


    I am showing there are roughly 800 or so copies to be performed still which is accurate with the time frame since bringing down the other DD. 

    For reference, the error I am getting is 2106 "Disk storage server is down(2106)" which is expected.. since the DD is being moved to a new physical location.



  • Have went ahead and opened a case with Symantec directly for this. Thanks for the assistance!

  • I would rather see that you unmark the solution for my post and then we can mark your post when you get the real solution from Symantec Support.


  • Will make a post and update when it is recieved.



  • Those dedupe jobs you saw running, even after the -inactive command, are they new backup images or are they existing incomplete images that keeps retrying?

    Can't remember exactly if -inactive would prevent existing incomplete images from retrying the duplication. To make sure they do not retry, we need to "nbstlutil cancel -backupid <image>"  to cancel the retry and manually duplicate them later when disk storage is up again.

  • The services on the master needed to be cycled in order for the SLP to update, simply running the inactive command will not prevent duplication from running.


    This is NOT default NBU behaviour.
    I have just realized that you never mentioned your NBU version?

  • watsons: these are new backup images, so this is expected behavior.

    Thank you all for the help and assistance. hopefully this will save some others some time down the road.


    If you inactivate an SLP it applies for older as well as new images.

    The issue was that task scheduler was activating the SLP which inturn lead to the SLP duplications to run.



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