Forum Discussion

guilhemlflo's avatar
7 years ago

staging schedule

i have a problem when duplicating a staging.
When I want to modify the "staging schedule" parameter in storage unit on the storage unit of the staging, none of my modifications are not counted.
When I modify and validate (once on the staging schedule, a second time for the storage unit), if I go back to see, my changes have not been taken into account.
I return to the initial state in frequency, ...
this problem is very annoying because duplications do not launch it as I would like and impossible to specify a tape drive (it remains in "any" avaible destination)


any one have any ideas ?


  • Marianne's avatar
    7 years ago

    If you were on a supported NBU version, you could've logged a support call with Veritas.

    • guilhemlflo's avatar
      Level 4

      bad news then if you have no ideas ^^

      the big problem is that I do not happen to change the storage destination and sometimes the copy2 go on the same disk as the copy1. I look at your bind only me it is not on the button "cancel" but the button "validate".

      I tried to recreate the sotrage unit of staging but same thing. I admit to being a little lost here

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6

        If you were on a supported NBU version, you could've logged a support call with Veritas.