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S_Williamson's avatar
12 years ago

sts_close_handle failed: 2060019 error occurred on network socket

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I am also getting this error

9/06/2013 9:19:53 AM - Critical bptm(pid=8352) sts_close_handle failed: 2060019 error occurred on network socket     
9/06/2013 9:19:53 AM - Critical bptm(pid=8352) cannot write image to disk, media close failed with status 2060019

Did you get this resolved? Im using Windows 2008R2 Master/media and a Windows 2008R2 Client. This is its first backup and server is about 1.5TB backed up via Lan.


  • Ah if that is the case you may want to try increasing your client read timeouts and see if it gives you enough time to complete the backup.


    If you have any other questions please let me know.


  • Do you have the \program files\veritas\netbackup\db\config\DPS_PROXYDEFAULTRECVTMO file in place - if so what setting does it have?

    If not please create this on your Master / Media Servers and add a value of 800 into the file

    This helps keep the disk pool up and happy at very busy times when the Master could believe it has problems

    I always use this setting for any de-dupe or enterprise disk setups (but none of the other DPS_ file though)

    Hope this helps

11 Replies

  • As far as the client read timeout. On some of my systems especially for large backups you have to allow the client time to walk the os and find all the files as well as sending the file list back to netbackup If you are using accelerator then it is like doing a full in this aspect. During this time if there is a large ammount of data with many files the client will time out talking to NBU.

    In my cases I end up with client read timeouts of more like 3200 or 6400. Occasionally I have seen them as high as 10200 or maybe 11,200.

    At any rate you should know if it takes longer for the backup ot fail.

