Forum Discussion

Kak4_12's avatar
Level 4
4 months ago

the specified policy does not exist in the configuration database

Hello Experts,

Oracle policy has been deleted and oracle client server has been decommissioned but still Net backup throwing error "the specified policy does not exist in the configuration database" with job policy "NULL" and Job schedule "NULL".

Can you please advise how to stop occurring this error.


13 Replies

  • Or use wireshark / tcpdump to inspect what hosts initiate traffic at port 1556 , 13724 or 13782.

  • Hello Kak4_12 ,

    inspect Master Server crontab (or any other scheduler if used) for a command "bpbackup -i -p <deleted policy>". Theoretically such a script could also be hosted on any server specified on Host properties\Master\Servers\Additional Servers.

    No need to upload more numerous logs here.



  • I suggest to create the same policy/schedule/client and see if the backup will run or not.

  • I am with StefanosM , something is likely calling a oracle related backup/restore/archive. Tracking down the client can be a bit difficult.

    My recommendation is to use vxlogview for a short time frame around the time where error shows up to capture the host. 

    e.g Show logs for 2 min between specific time frames

    # vxlogview -p 51216 -b "07/21/2023 1:30:00 PM" -e "07/21/2023 1:32:00"

    or everything that happened in the last 5 min.

    # vxlogview -p 51216 -t 00:05:00

    Alternative, create the policy and schedule again, then the name should show up in the GUI

    • Kak4_12's avatar
      Level 4

      Logs generated...


      [root@<Master server> jobs]# vxlogview -p 51216 -t 00:11:00 | grep -i <client name>

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.198 [Info] V-116-82 received start user backup request for client=<client name>, policy=?, schedule=?, stream #=0, client type=Oracle (4), parent jobid=-1

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.199 [BPCRConnFactory::requestBPCRConnection] inserting connection request (back) BPCRConnectionRequest(pool=6, connectionName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, requester=0x7f12440f9850)(BPCRConnFactory.cpp:1041)

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.199 [BPCRConnFactory::requestBPCRConnection] inserting connection request (back) BPCRConnectionRequest(pool=6, connectionName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, requester=0x7f12440c5970)(BPCRConnFactory.cpp:1041)

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.199 [BPCRConnection::linkToRequester] Connection BPCRConnection(state=1, hadError=0, activeFDcnt=3, connectName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, hostName=<client name>, userName=oracle) requester=0x7f12440f9850(BPCRConnFactory.cpp:210)

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.199 [BPCRConnFactory::handle_input (evaluation)] connection request ( BPCRConnectionRequest(pool=6, connectionName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, requester=0x7f12440c5970)) not granted because one ( BPCRConnectionRequest(pool=6, connectionName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, requester=0x7f12440f9850, connection= BPCRConnection(state=1, hadError=0, activeFDcnt=3, connectName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, hostName=<client name>, userName=oracle))) is already active in a serialized pool(BPCRConnFactory.cpp:1441)

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.200 [BPCRConnFactory::handle_input (evaluation)] connection request ( BPCRConnectionRequest(pool=6, connectionName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, requester=0x7f12440c5970)) not granted because one ( BPCRConnectionRequest(pool=6, connectionName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, requester=0x7f12440f9850, connection= BPCRConnection(state=2, hadError=0, activeFDcnt=3, connectName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, hostName=<client name>, userName=oracle))) is already active in a serialized pool(BPCRConnFactory.cpp:1441)

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.200 [Info] V-116-14 CLIENT <client name>  POLICY *NULL*  SCHED *NULL*  EXIT STATUS 230 (the specified policy does not exist in the configuration database) VBRF 1 230

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.202 [BPCRConnFactory::handle_input (evaluation)] connection request ( BPCRConnectionRequest(pool=6, connectionName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, requester=0x7f12440c5970)) not granted because one ( BPCRConnectionRequest(pool=6, connectionName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, requester=0x7f12440f9850, connection= BPCRConnection(state=2, hadError=0, activeFDcnt=3, connectName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, hostName=<client name>, userName=oracle))) is already active in a serialized pool(BPCRConnFactory.cpp:1441)

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.202 [BPCRConnFactory::handle_input (evaluation)] connection request ( BPCRConnectionRequest(pool=6, connectionName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, requester=0x7f12440c5970)) not granted because one ( BPCRConnectionRequest(pool=6, connectionName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, requester=0x7f12440f9850, connection= BPCRConnection(state=2, hadError=0, activeFDcnt=3, connectName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, hostName=<client name>, userName=oracle))) is already active in a serialized pool(BPCRConnFactory.cpp:1441)

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.214 [BPCRConnFactory::returnConnection] connection returned was found on the active list  BPCRConnectionRequest(pool=6, connectionName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, requester=0x7f12440f9850, connection= BPCRConnection(state=3, hadError=1, activeFDcnt=3, connectName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, hostName=<client name>, userName=oracle))(BPCRConnFactory.cpp:1115)

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.214 [BPCRConnectionRequest::unlinkFromRequester()] connection not reusable, will close  BPCRConnection(state=4, hadError=1, activeFDcnt=3, connectName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, hostName=<client name>, userName=oracle)(BPCRConnFactory.cpp:1713)

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.214 [BPCRConnection::linkToRequester] Connection BPCRConnection(state=1, hadError=0, activeFDcnt=3, connectName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, hostName=<client name>, userName=oracle) requester=0x7f12440c5970(BPCRConnFactory.cpp:210)

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.214 [Warning] V-116-121 cannot send mail to <client name>

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.217 [BPCRConnFactory::returnConnection] connection returned was found on the active list  BPCRConnectionRequest(pool=6, connectionName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, requester=0x7f12440c5970, connection= BPCRConnection(state=3, hadError=1, activeFDcnt=3, connectName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, hostName=<client name>, userName=oracle))(BPCRConnFactory.cpp:1115)

      04/11/2024 15:22:03.217 [BPCRConnectionRequest::unlinkFromRequester()] connection not reusable, will close  BPCRConnection(state=4, hadError=1, activeFDcnt=3, connectName=<client name>::BPCD::oracle, hostName=<client name>, userName=oracle)(BPCRConnFactory.cpp:1713)

  • are you sure?

    check again. ping the decommissioned servers.
    Another check you can do is to check the crontab of the master server.

    In theory every system that is in the servers list of the master server can initiate the backup

    • Kak4_12's avatar
      Level 4



      Yes, i am sure .. client server is decommissioned and i am not able to ping the decommissioned server.

      • Kak4_12's avatar
        Level 4

        Hello Nicolai,

        any more logs required? please let me know.

        Note: Client server was decommissioned in February 2024.

  • You have to go to the client and check the crontab. i suppose that it is a linux/unix client.

    To make your life easier  go to /var/spool/cron/ and check every file in the directories. The files have usernames as names.


    when you find how the backup is starting login as the user and use the crontab -e command to delete or commend the line(s) that start the backup

    • Kak4_12's avatar
      Level 4

      Hello StefanosM,

      But the all the client servers are decommissioned which are throwing these errors.