Forum Discussion

ipmanyak's avatar
Level 5
7 years ago

Trouble with Tape drive library

I set Netbackup 8.1.1 recently and some time everything worked normally. My tape library is  HP MSL-2024   with LTO7 catridges. .  Now my job have status queued and say me: 25.05.2018 15:34:31 - I...
  • mph999's avatar
    7 years ago

    If no disk jobs running, I'd just run:

    nbrbutil -resetall 

    -why, because you can get 'ghost allocations' that you do not see in nbrbutil -dump output.

    Then, stop media manager and delete any files in :



    Restart media manager and see if things have improved.

  • mph999's avatar
    7 years ago

    I agree, it is a pain that it does not work, but as you will understand, with the limitation caused by Hyper-V / VMWare with 'physical' devices, we are somewhat limited in what we can do.

    I would love to say - go ahead and do this, this, and this and it will kinda work - but then I would not be doing my job, as I would be allowing and encouraging an unsupported config.

    Sadly, sometimes the correct answer is 'no, you cannot do this', although it s not what people want to hear.  

    We have seen in customer cases, and plenty of exaples here on the forum, that people have tried this and suffered constant ongoing issues.

    Unsupported tends to mean one of two things:

    1.  We haven't tested it, so don't know if it will work.

    2.  It doesn't work, or has intermittant issues.

    Your issue comes under number 2.

    The worst situation is that a production system is set up and running insome 'unsupported ' config.  Then sometime later because of this, it suffers some faiure.  If the issue is caused, as in this case, by something external to NetBackup that we have absolutly no control over, then there really is nothing we can do - we can't 'fix'  a  Hyper-V issue.   So you can understand why I may appear to be difficult and unhelpful, but if we had gone ahead and you suffered issues with production data, you can see we would be in a much much worse position.

    I thank you for your understanding.

    Kindest regards,
