Forum Discussion

demo4119's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Unable to see second library and drives

I have a customer setup with one library and 6 LTO5 drives connecting to one master and media servers ( windows) .

recently, they purchased another same model and zoned to the same FC port for the master and media .

We unable to see second Library and drives when zoned to the same netbackup master and media servers.

When we unzoned the first library and zoned the second library we can see from the device manager .

Anyone has this issue before.


10 Replies

  • Please forget about NBU until OS can see all devices.

    Troubleshooting devices ALWAYS starts at OS level. For this reason it is important that you always mention the relevant OS where you are experiencing issues.

    A good starting point is the relevant OS chapter in NBU Device Config guide for the particular NBU version.

  • both master and media are running on windows 2008 server.

    Zoning has been verified successful. the issue is that we cant present 2 similar libraries to the same Netbackup server HBA port. it will alway seem the first library only .

    But when we present the second library to another HBA port of the media servers , it can be detected by the OS.

    All HBA firmware and driver are updated to date.

  • Stop netbackup and show us something at the OS level that demonstrates the OS can see both robots and all the drives in each. Then we'll all be happy the issue has moved from the OS and we can consider netbackup knowing the facts about the OS and the devices.


  • Have double check the san switch zoning with storage vendor . the san zoning is not doing correctly


  • Hi Demo,

    Would you be happy to move te solution to mariannes post.  In fairness, she gave the correct answer first.

    The issue was simply down to the fact that he OS was unable to see the devices.
