Forum Discussion

Joe_Despres's avatar
12 years ago

upgrade question from 6.5.6 --->

I'm about ready to upgrade one of our Masters ::--->

Solaris 10 v445 [master & 1 media]...

I have several questions ::--->

1::  When I remove NetBackup do I also remove PBX?

2::  Are there any gotcha's I should worry about?


Joe Despres

  • Any reason you want to upgrade to 7.1 and not 7.5? 

    All new features are included in 7.5.x.

    Detailed steps to remove existing packages in preparation of upgrade can be found in NBU Installation Guide for Unix/Linux. 
    The only requirement is 'pkgrm SYMCnetbp'.

    Please go through 7.x Upgrade Portal carefully.

    Read all relevant links (including SORT).
    You will also find links to 'Late Breaking News' that contains known 'gotcha's'.

4 Replies

  • Any reason you want to upgrade to 7.1 and not 7.5? 

    All new features are included in 7.5.x.

    Detailed steps to remove existing packages in preparation of upgrade can be found in NBU Installation Guide for Unix/Linux. 
    The only requirement is 'pkgrm SYMCnetbp'.

    Please go through 7.x Upgrade Portal carefully.

    Read all relevant links (including SORT).
    You will also find links to 'Late Breaking News' that contains known 'gotcha's'.

  • If the upgrade fails for some reason :

    NetBackup 7 Upgrade Advisory: How to troubleshoot and repair a broken/failed database upgrade":

    What are the steps needed to back out of a failed Veritas NetBackup (tm) 7.x installation on UNIX/Linux systems":

    What are the steps needed to back out of a failed Veritas NetBackup (tm) 7.x installation on a Windows system":


    Once you upgrade to 7.1  or 7.5 run a few test backups and then another hot catalog backup.

    Next patch up to or


  • hhhhmmmm......

    All very good responses! Awesome!

    I have this down for removal ::--->

    #### Remove NetBackup packages ::--->
    pkgrm SYMCnbvlt
    pkgrm SYMCnetbp
    pkginfo | grep -i sym

    I will write down those web pages as well!!!

    I would like to goto 7.5 but that will be later...


    Joe Despres