Forum Discussion

Seth_E's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

Using netbios name doesn't connect, FQDN connects.

Hi there,


We have one media master server with two NICS on it. I've configured the local hosts file so that all communication goes through one NIC. So far, things have worked great. For some reason, two clients cannot connect on socket and as far as my network admin, no changes were made last night.

as an exacmple.

one client. is in the hosts file as: client1

running bptestbpcd against client1 causes socket errors. running it against client1.fqdn works fine

both entries are in host file

10.94.x.x     client1


(i added fqdn recently for testing)


now, while writing this up, i discovered something...


bpclntcmd -hn for client1 is showing the wrong I

running this same command on other clients in the host file shows the proper 10.94 address.



D:\>bpclntcmd -hn client1
host client1: at 10.176.x.x <<< WRONG ADDRESS.
aliases:              client1     10.176.x.x

D:\>bpclntcmd -hn client2
host client2: client2 at 10.94.x.x << CORRECT ADDRESS for client2
aliases:     client2     10.94.x.x

For client 2, it works fine and doesn't show the fqdn. looks like the first example is resolving via DNS.  Now, strange thing is, all other clients resolve just fine, but, only 2 are affected right now.

the NIC that belongs to 10.94.x.x is at the top of the list in the binding order and hasn't changed. This NIC does not have any DNS servers specified.


  • /etc/hosts entries should have all aliases on one line:

    10.94.x.x     client1

    Check hosts files for other 'client1' entries:
    grep client1 /etc/hosts

    After changes were made to hosts file, refresh NBU host cache:

    bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache

    If bptestbpcd still uses wrong IP address, you need to check DNS:

    nslookup client1

    If this is showing wrong IP address, the problem is for sure with DNS.

2 Replies