Forum Discussion

Toddman214's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

Vault backups are taking days to complete.....

Windows 2008R2 Master and Media servers. Netbackup Using Vault only for replication of backups to DataDomain to tape. Two dell ML6020 tape libraries with 6 drives each, but one library is almost entirely dedicated to Oracle backups.

We are contactually obligated that once data is backed up, it gets replicated to tape, and sent offsite on the same day.

I personally think we need more tape drives to write to, but I'd like opinions from others.


I tried running SLP a while back for duplication to tape, and even with changing parameters, tuning through the SLP Admin guide, as well as having a Netbackup techician come onsite and sit with me for two days, I would still get 1500 to 2000 slp jobs queuing up waiting to write to tape. So, I stopped using SLP's and moved to Vault, which appears to be much cleaner, and I can schedule the duplication.

But, I appear to again be running into issues even with Vault where the duplication cannot keep up with the backups to disk. I just had a Vault duplication job complete after 5 full days of running, and it duplicated 11tb of data. While that was running, of course new data continued to write to disk for those 5 days. Once that job completed, because I have the Vault policy set to go back and grab data for the last 7 days, it grabbed all of that data, and has now kicked off three new jobs, two at 11tb each, and one at 23tb. Its cool that it works that way, but if it took 5 days to duplicate 11tb of data, 23tb is going to take waaayyy too long. So, lets say conservatively, it takes 8 days to duplicate that 23tb job....there will then be 8 days of data that is not captured while vault was writing, so I'll have to adjust the policy to capture 8 days back, and so on, and so on. Am I missing something with this? It looks like a viscous cycle is building.

As per obligations, we pretty much have to duplicate and send offsite all data that backs up to disk, so I dont think we are duplicating more than we really need. There is never a time when we do not have many backups running, so I guess resource contention could be an issue.  I am allowing 3 drives to handle the Vault jobs, and I dont think I can push it higher than that.

Any suggestions out there? Im also reading up on the Vault Admin guide, but it looks like we may just need more hardware in place.

Thanks again, all. You've been very helpful in the past!


  • Oh boy, did I just find something interesting. Ive looked at this file several times today, but only just now noticed this. The  SIZE_DATA_BUFFER file has no 'S' on the end of it. This file was created in May of 2011, so if there is supposed to be an S on it, then this file has probably been doing nothing (or only the minimum) since it was created. Geez! LOL

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