We are getting the Errors:When we click on Device Monitor error "invalid host name 136"
We are getting the error "invalid host name 136" when we click on Device Monitor.We nounce the Master Server also but we are getting the same error.
Below is the description of an issue:
Master Server = asprdms01-ebr.aldc.att.com/ asprd149-ebr.aldc.att.com
ACSLS Server = asprdacs01.aldc.att.com/asprd153.edc.cingular.net
Bpclntcmd output from Master Server to ACSLS Server:
asprd149: ./bpclntcmd -sv
asprd149: ./bpclntcmd -pn
expecting response from server asprdms01-ebr
asprdms01-ebr.edc.cingular.net asprdms01-ebr 52179
asprd149: ./bpclntcmd -self
yp_get_default_domain failed: (6) internal yp server or client error
NIS does not seem to be running: (1) args to yp function are bad
gethostname() returned: asprdms01-ebr
host asprdms01-ebr: asprdms01-ebr.edc.cingular.net at (0x8208e419)
aliases: asprdms01-ebr
asprd149: ./bpclntcmd -hn asprdacs01.aldc.att.com
host asprdacs01.aldc.att.com: asprdacs01.edc.cingular.net at (0x8208e22f)
aliases: asprdacs01.aldc.att.com
asprd149: ./bpclntcmd -server asprdacs01.edc.cingular.net
host asprdacs01.edc.cingular.net: asprdacs01.edc.cingular.net at (0x8208e22f)
Telnet from ACSLS Server to Master Server
asprd153: telnet asprdms01-ebr bpcd
Connected to asprdms01-ebr.edc.cingular.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
asprd153: ping asprdms01-ebr
asprdms01-ebr is alive
bpclntcmd output from ACSLS Server to Master Server:
asprd153: ./bpclntcmd -sv
asprd153: ./bpclntcmd -pn
expecting response from server asprdms01-ebr
asprdacs01-ebr.edc.cingular.net asprdacs01-ebr 48727
asprd153: ./bpclntcmd -hn asprd149-ebr.aldc.att.com
host asprd149-ebr.aldc.att.com: asprd149-ebr.edc.cingular.net at (0x8208e41a)
aliases: asprd149-ebr.aldc.att.com
asprd153: ./bpclntcmd -self
yp_get_default_domain failed: (6) internal yp server or client error
NIS does not seem to be running: (1) args to yp function are bad
gethostname() returned: asprdacs01-ebr
host asprdacs01-ebr: asprdacs01-ebr.edc.cingular.net at (0x8208e424)
aliases: asprdacs01-ebr
asprd153: ./bpclntcmd -hn asprdms01-ebr
host asprdms01-ebr: asprdms01-ebr.edc.cingular.net at (0x8208e419)
BP.conf File on Master Server: asprd149-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = asprdms01-ebr
SERVER = asprdms01
SERVER = asprd149-ebr
SERVER = asprd149
SERVER = asprd150-ebr
SERVER = asprd150
SERVER = asprd151-ebr
SERVER = asprd151
SERVER = asprd152-ebr
SERVER = asprd152
SERVER = asprd459-ebr
SERVER = asprd459
SERVER = asprd226
SERVER = asprd226-ebr
SERVER = asprd226.aldc.att.com
SERVER = asprd175-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = asprd176-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = asprd177-ebr
SERVER = asprd178-ebr
SERVER = asprd229-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = alpd308-ebr
SERVER = alpd308-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = asprd232-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = asprd232.aldc.att.com
SERVER = gaalpa1momsqsa1-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = gaalpa1momsqsa2-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = alpd259-ebr
SERVER = alpd259-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = alpd260-ebr
SERVER = alpd260-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = alpd261-ebr
SERVER = alpd261-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = alpd262-ebr
SERVER = alpd262-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = alpd263-ebr
SERVER = alpd263-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = gaalpa1isviea01-ebr
SERVER = gaalpa1isviea01-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = gaalpa1clulfsh2-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = gaalpa1momsqv02-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = p1wtg1d2-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = p1dia1d1-ebr
SERVER = p1hrz2d1-ebr
SERVER = p1hrz2d2-ebr
SERVER = p1hrz3d1-ebr.vci.att.com
SERVER = p1hrz3d2-ebr.vci.att.com
SERVER = alpc0003-ebr
SERVER = alpc0003-ebr.aldc.att.com
SERVER = asprd283-ebr.enaf.aldc.att.com
SERVER = asprd174-ebr
SERVER = p1rtc1d1-ebr.vci.att.com
SERVER = txdlls2nbuxxa02.itservices.sbc.com
SERVER = gaalpa1isviea01.itservices.sbc.com
SERVER = alpd385-ebr
asprd149: ./nbemmcmd -listhosts
NBEMMCMD, Version:6.5.6
The following hosts were found:
server asprdms01-ebr
master asprdms01-ebr
media asprd152-ebr
media asprd151-ebr
api asprdacs01-ebr
media asprd175-ebr.aldc.att.com
media asprd176-ebr.aldc.att.com
virtual_machine p1wtg1d2-ebr
app_cluster p1wtg1d2-ebr
media p1wtg1d2-ebr.aldc.att.com
media alpd308-ebr
media asprd232.aldc.att.com
media asprd232-ebr.aldc.att.com
media p1jds1d1-ebr
media asprd226
media asprd229-ebr
virtual_machine p1dia1d1-ebr
app_cluster p1dia1d1-ebr
media asprd174-ebr
media asprd177-ebr
media asprd178-ebr
media gaalpa1momsqsa1-ebr.aldc.att.com
media gaalpa1momsqsa2-ebr.aldc.att.com
virtual_machine gaalpa1momsqv02-ebr.aldc.att.com
app_cluster gaalpa1momsqv02-ebr.aldc.att.com
app_cluster p1hrz2d1-ebr
app_cluster p1hrz2d2-ebr
media alpd259-ebr.aldc.att.com
media alpd260-ebr.aldc.att.com
media alpd261-ebr.aldc.att.com
media alpd262-ebr.aldc.att.com
media alpd263-ebr.aldc.att.com
media gaalpa1isviea01-ebr
virtual_machine alpc0003-ebr
app_cluster alpc0003-ebr
media asprd283-ebr.enaf.aldc.att.com
app_cluster p1rtc1d1-ebr.vci.att.com
app_cluster p1hrz3d1-ebr.vci.att.com
app_cluster p1hrz3d2-ebr.vci.att.com
media asprd174
media asprd459-ebr
media alpd385-ebr
media alpd386-ebr
media alpd386
media asprd507-ebr
media asprd502-ebr
media asprd503-ebr
app_cluster p2rdr1d1-ebr
media aldi004-ebr
media asprd302-ebr.aldc.att.com
media asprd301-ebr.aldc.att.com
app_cluster p1tec1d3-ebr.vci.att.com
Command completed successfully.
asprd149: ./nbemmcmd -getemmserver
Server Type Host Version Host Name EMM Server
MEDIA 6.5 aldi004-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 alpc0003-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 alpd259-ebr.aldc.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 alpd260-ebr.aldc.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 alpd261-ebr.aldc.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 alpd262-ebr.aldc.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 alpd263-ebr.aldc.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 alpd308-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 alpd385-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 alpd386 asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 alpd386-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd151-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd152-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd174 asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd174-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd175-ebr.aldc.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd176-ebr.aldc.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd177-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd178-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd226 asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd229-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd232-ebr.aldc.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd232.aldc.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd283-ebr.enaf.aldc.att.comasprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd301-ebr.aldc.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd302-ebr.aldc.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd459-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA UNKNOWN RELEASE (0) asprd502-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd503-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 asprd507-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MASTER 6.5 asprdms01-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 gaalpa1isviea01-ebr asprdms01-ebr.edc.cingular.net
MEDIA 6.5 gaalpa1momsqsa1-ebr.aldc.att.comasprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 gaalpa1momsqsa2-ebr.aldc.att.comasprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 gaalpa1momsqv02-ebr.aldc.att.comasprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 p1dia1d1-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 p1hrz2d1-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 p1hrz2d2-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 p1hrz3d1-ebr.vci.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 p1hrz3d2-ebr.vci.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 p1jds1d1-ebr asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 p1rtc1d1-ebr.vci.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 p1tec1d3-ebr.vci.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA 6.5 p1wtg1d2-ebr.aldc.att.com asprdms01-ebr
MEDIA UNKNOWN RELEASE (0) p2rdr1d1-ebr asprdms01-ebr
Please have a look....
Why are you using asprd149.edc.cingular.net hostname in the GUI when NBU is configured to use asprdms01 as Master and EMM server?
The error is 100% correct - asprd149.edc.cingular.net is invalid NBU hostname.