Forum Discussion

subs's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Specify resource name when adding resources using cfsmntadm


Is this at all possible? I can specify the service group but I see no way of actually specifying the mount resource name in VCS. It just creates mounts called cfsmount1, cfsmount2 etc.

Currently, i'm using something like:

cfsmntadm add oracledg v_oracledgdata01 SG-oracle-db all=cluster


  • There doesn't appear to be, looking at the man page.  If you want to speciy the name, then I would add manually in VCS, this is only a "hares -add" command followed by a few "hares -modify" commands.  If you add a resource using cfsmntadm and then run:

    cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/conf
    hacf -verify .
    grep resource_name main.cmd

    Then this will show you commands so you can use this as a template for creating more resources (and use this to rename resource by deleting resource and running commands to re-create with a different name).


  • There doesn't appear to be, looking at the man page.  If you want to speciy the name, then I would add manually in VCS, this is only a "hares -add" command followed by a few "hares -modify" commands.  If you add a resource using cfsmntadm and then run:

    cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/conf
    hacf -verify .
    grep resource_name main.cmd

    Then this will show you commands so you can use this as a template for creating more resources (and use this to rename resource by deleting resource and running commands to re-create with a different name).


  • I agree, there is no method to change the name at the same time, it can be modified with hares command as Mike pointed ....



  • The name of a resource can not be modifed except by editing directly and bouncing the cluster.

  • ...everyone for taking the time to respond. I was aware of the various methods by which the desired results could be acheived, it's just a little frustrating that the functionality hasn't been built into the command in the first place.

    Perhaps I'll suggest this gets added to the wishlist...



  • Valid, but taking the commands out of main.cmd is less intrusive in my humble opinion.