Forum Discussion

Derrick2's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

BESR 2010 unable to granular restore emails

We have recently installed BESR backup on our SBS 2003, running exchange 2003.

The backups seem to be working fine.

I can open a backup and restore a file, but emails fail.

It stops while 'prepareing Message Store' with the following error:

Error encountered while attempting to prepare the Message STore 'Mailbox Store ***'.

It suggests 1) make sure backup is while exchange is not busy (it's backing up at 1am), 2) ensure all storage grouop are included (It's backs up the whole drive in the server, so no chance of not doing this.)

I have had a look at the Windows log files and it seems to give this error everytime I try to open the mailstore

GranularRestore (16864) ?Volume{f3a5f7cd-cc64-11df-8b13-001d600a27e6}Program FilesExchsrvrmdbdata: An attempt to open the file "\\?\Volume{f3a5f7cd-cc64-11df-8b13-001d600a27e6}\Program Files\Exchsrvr\mdbdata\E00.log" for read / write access failed with system error 5 (0x00000005): "Access is denied. ". The open file operation will fail with error -1032 (0xfffffbf8).

Any help would be appreciated.

  • I am going to try a different track.

    I notice the application error log relates to permissions. I have changed the permissions to the exchange folder MDBDATA as per the microsoft KB823022. I will try a backup again tonight and see if that helps.

    I am guessing permissions may be stopping BESR from backing up the folder properly perhaps.

6 Replies

  • Do you already have SP2 (9.0.2)? You can check this in Help/About.

    If not, get SP2 from FileConnect and upgrade. This will require a reboot. Then take a new backup and try to restore from that.

    Hope that helps.

  • Thanks for the advice I will try it in the next few days (Hopefully tonight if I can get the guys out of the office on Melbourne Cup day ;-)).

    I had selected 'Check for updates' in the program itself but it didn't register an update.

    I am downloading the file on a different machine manually.

  • Chris,

    Unfortunately it is still coming up with the same error after the update. I have checked that the version is now at 9.0.2, and did a full backup last night (not an incremental).

    Thanks for your help.


  • I am going to try a different track.

    I notice the application error log relates to permissions. I have changed the permissions to the exchange folder MDBDATA as per the microsoft KB823022. I will try a backup again tonight and see if that helps.

    I am guessing permissions may be stopping BESR from backing up the folder properly perhaps.

  • I tested opening emails this morning with Granular restore and the problem is fixed!

    Looks like the error was related to the permissions on MDBDATA folder not being correct.

    As stated in my first Post the error in the logs was:

    GranularRestore (16864) ?Volume{f3a5f7cd-cc64-11df-8b13-001d600a27e6}Program FilesExchsrvrmdbdata: An attempt to open the file "\\?\Volume{f3a5f7cd-cc64-11df-8b13-001d600a27e6}\Program Files\Exchsrvr\mdbdata\E00.log" for read / write access failed with system error 5 (0x00000005): "Access is denied. ". The open file operation will fail with error -1032 (0xfffffbf8).

    Thanks for taking an interest in my problem, it is appreciated.