Forum Discussion

lucwuyts's avatar
Level 2
14 years ago

BESR for SBS error: EC8F17B7 and EBAB0013

This is a problem with BESR for Small Business Server on a server of 1 of my clients

Since a few weeks there was sometimes this error:

-Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Recovery point of C:\.

--Cannot create a virtual volume image of the selected drive.

---Error EBAB0013: A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unexpectedly. CHECK failed, Segment::Segment: .\Segment.cpp(114): index < oldContainer.size().


I didn't find the exact same fault-message with error EBAB0013, but tried everything i could find about it.  Including an extra full defrag, reinstall, chkdsk, recreate the job after erasing the jobinformation, fixinstall, etc..

Also tried with deactivated antivirus on the server.

This problem did not always happen, so i often was hoping it was solved.

But since yesterday, BESR doesn't make a backup any more!!!

It always shows the same error, immediately after starting the backupjob.

- What is causing this error?

- What does this mean:  index < oldContainer.size().



  • I think i found the problem.

    The BESR backups are saved to an internal disk.

    After the backup, the system takes the last backup set, and copies it to an external USB disk.

    There is 1 usb disk per day, wich is moved to an external storage place.

    One of these disks seems to have a problem, and was not replaced for a few days.

    I reformatted this disk, and it is now making a full backup again.

    This could explain the intermittent problem. 


6 Replies

  • Hi Marcus,

    Yes, there is no other backup software on this system, and of course i rebooted (more than once).

    But this is an old version of the software.  Not version 2010, but version 6.5

    It has been working fine without much problems since it was installed.

    I don't think the client will concider buying a complete new version at this moment.

    This problem seems to exist between all versions.

    What does this error mean??   Does the software think there has been tampered with it??  And if yes: why?

  • Did you try the fix for a similar problem with Ghost?

  • I think i found the problem.

    The BESR backups are saved to an internal disk.

    After the backup, the system takes the last backup set, and copies it to an external USB disk.

    There is 1 usb disk per day, wich is moved to an external storage place.

    One of these disks seems to have a problem, and was not replaced for a few days.

    I reformatted this disk, and it is now making a full backup again.

    This could explain the intermittent problem.