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atalig's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

SSR 2011 SP3 - Error EC8F17B7 Error EC8F03EA Error EBAB0013

Hello All,


Here's my SOURCE configuration:

1) Dell PowerVault NX3100 running Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Standard

2) Attached to the NX3100 is a Dell PowerVault MD1200 (NAS)

3) SSR 2011 SP3 installed on the Dell NX3100 Win Storage Server 2008 R2 Standard


Here is my DESTINATION/TARGET configuration:

1) Being Backuped to a different Dell PowerVault MD1200 (NAS) that is attached to another Dell PowerVault NX3100 (Same OS as above)





Initial backups to the other Dell MD1200 (NAS) was working fine.   Backup Job setup to run Weekly - Mon - Full Backup, Tue thru Sat - Incremental backups

Data being backuped resides on my SOURCE configuration's MD1200.

Backup Destination/Target is to a different Dell MD1200.

Now we are experiencing backup failures.


Here is the Event Log Entry:

Error EC8F17B7:  Cannot create a recovery points for job:  Drive Backup of JISTL (F:\).

                Error EC8F03EA:  Cannot create a virtual volume image of the selected drive.

                                Error EBAB0013:  A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unexpectedly.  Bad numeric conversion: positive overflow (UMI:V-281-3215-6071)


Has anyone encountered this error before?    Thank you in Advance for any support.





6 Replies

  • Check the few things as below :

    >How many volumes are getting backed up ? Go to disk management -> check if the source drives contain 20% free space for each of the partitions.

    > Go to Start -> Run -> CMD -> run "vssadmin list writers" command and check the writer status

    > It seems to be giving and error message for only F: , thus if you have C: , D: and F: , exclude F: and run seperate backups for C: and D: , and a seperate backup for F: to find out if the error message is caused for a specific drive

    > Check links :

    Hope this helps !

  • TRaj -


    Thank you for your response!

    First I must mention, that we had this error about a month ago.   At the time, I all I did was restart the Windows Server 2008 host and re-launched SSR 2011 jobs and everything worked for 4 days.


    When we had experienced this Backup Failure again, we restarted the Windows Server 2008 hos several times and it did not fix the issue.


    1) We are backup up 4 Volumes and all have more that 20% free of disk space.

    2) Our F: Volume is the one that has had the backup issues.  All other 3 Volumes are backing up fine.

    3) Yesterday, I decided to UNINSTALL SSR 2011; reboot; Re-Install SSR 2011 and SP3; reboot again; and re-create the Backup Jobs.

    4) The immediate Backup Job for Volume F: worked fine...and the Incremental Backup Job early this morning worked fine.   We are going to monitor the process for awhile to see if we are going to experience this behavior again.


    5)  Do have any knowledge if SSR 2011 SP3 has any issues with NAS's, especially with DELL MD1200's?


    Thank you in advance.



  • TRaj -

    Today Thurs, May 08, 2014, my backup failed again.   It failed on an Incremental Backup with the same errors:

    Here are some Event Log Entries:


    Error EC8F17B7:  Cannot create a recovery points for job:  Drive Backup of JISTL (F:\).

                    Error EC8F03EA:  Cannot create a virtual volume image of the selected drive.

                                    Error EBAB0013:  A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unexpectedly.  Bad numeric conversion: positive overflow (UMI:V-281-3215-6071)


    I also received this Information Log Entry:

    Result (0xec8f042e 36 VPRO_WARNING_SPN_REGISTRATION_FAILED Args [2] Arg (0xbab000d 48 VProRecovery Symantec System Recovery Agent 10.0;)


    Thank you for any support.







  • TRaj-


    I did find this link below which states that the possible cause is "Bad disk geometry".


     To determine if disk geometry is the issue do the following:

    1. Run partinfo.exe 
    Location for partinfo.exe  (In my specific case):
    (x86) > C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec System Recovery\Utility
    2. Review partinfo.txt file by comparing the Partition Information for Disk #, where # is the disk number, 'Total sectors,' value  for each partition with its corresponding, Volume Boot Record, 'Total NTFS Sectors,' value, the difference should be a value of one.
    MY SPECIFIC Partition Information for my SOURCE Drive:
    Partition Information for Disk 2:     27.3TB  
    Total Sectors: 4,294,967,295
    Volume Boot Record for Disk 2:
    Total NTFS Sectors:  58,594,160,639
    Obviously, the difference IS NOT a value of one.
    Again my F: Drive is a 30TB NAS Volume.
    Any Suggestions?


  • TRaj,


    Thank you for the link, however, this does not solve my issue.   There isn't any system errors or fragmentation detected on the NAS that is storing the data.   There is more than 90%  of free space on the NAS Drive.


    I did find this link:

    This link states that BESR 8.0x through SSR 2013 does not support drives larger than 16 TB in size.

    And at this time, there is no solution of workaround.

    Our NAS is a 30TB drive partition, and above link defines the cause of our problem.





    So -  do you know if Symantec currently has a fix for this issue of not supporting drives larger than 16TB in size?