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tunpishuang's avatar
12 years ago

Cannot boot from recovery disk boot.wim file from hard-disk on Windows 7 x64 UEFI

Hi, all

I am using Windows 7 x64 Ultimate with UEFI BIOS Asrock H61 Motherboard.

Today I followd this instruction from MSDN: to boot Recovery Disk from my hard-disk.

Here's steps of what I did:

  1. Extract \Sources\Boot.wim and \Boot\Boot.sdi from SSR11.0.0.46600_AllWin_64bit_English_SrdOnly.iso file and copy Boot.wim and Boot.sdi file to C:\Souces\Boot.wim And C:\Sources\Boot.sdi
  2. run the following commands as Administrator to add boot entry for Boot.wim:

    bcdedit -create {ramdiskoptions} /d "ramdiskoptions"
    bcdedit -set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdidevice partition=C: 
    bcdedit -set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdipath \sources\boot.sdi
    bcdedit -create /d "My Recovery" -application osloader
    bcdedit -set {2fcc2069-8344-11e2-8721-9be7cfd1b2a1} device ramdisk=[C:]\sources\boot.wim,{ramdiskoptions}
    bcdedit -set {2fcc2069-8344-11e2-8721-9be7cfd1b2a1} path \windows\system32\winload.efi
    bcdedit -set {2fcc2069-8344-11e2-8721-9be7cfd1b2a1} osdevice ramdisk=[C:]\sources\boot.wim,{ramdiskoptions} 
    bcdedit -set {2fcc2069-8344-11e2-8721-9be7cfd1b2a1} systemroot \windows
    bcdedit -set {2fcc2069-8344-11e2-8721-9be7cfd1b2a1} winpe yes
    bcdedit -set {2fcc2069-8344-11e2-8721-9be7cfd1b2a1} nx optin
    bcdedit -set {2fcc2069-8344-11e2-8721-9be7cfd1b2a1} detecthal yes
    bcdedit -displayorder {2fcc2069-8344-11e2-8721-9be7cfd1b2a1} -addfirst
  3. Reboot my computer. Boot from UEFI Boot entry: Windows Boot Manager, and there show two options for me to boot from:"Windows 7" and "My Recovery"
  4. Choose "My Recovery", screen show "Windows is loading files", when the progress bar goes to end. Computer restarted unexpectedly. 
So my question is why I cannot boot Recovery WIM from my hard-disk ?


  • you need to install the Lightsout-restore feature, have a look at page 230 of the users guide !

2 Replies

  • you need to install the Lightsout-restore feature, have a look at page 230 of the users guide !
  • Markus, many thanks for your reply. problem solved. I can boot correctly using Lightsout-restore feature!