Forum Discussion

jbtsabw's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Client prompts logged in user to run missed backups

I am running Symantec Platform and Solutions version 7 SP5 (management server) and BESR 2010 SP2 on all the clients.  I am running Symantec Management Agent SP5.

Normal backup job is a recovery point set.  Base is created on Sat and incrementals are run M-F.

Even though the backup has run successfully (and a backup file has been successfully created in the recovery point destination) all my systems prompt me to run a missed backup when I log in.

If I click yes, a dialogue box appears allowing me to select a backup to run.  The Last Backup date is either blank or contains a date several days or more in the past.

5 Replies

  • So far, I can stop this by stopping both services (BESR and Symantec Management Agent) and then restarting them.  I am monitoring to see if this problem comes back.

  • Thanks Markus.  I have looked at the first tech article you linked to, but not the 2nd.  We do see the entries in the log that the first article refers to, but we were not always being prompted to run a missed backup.  I don't believe that is necessarily related.

    As for the 2nd article, I had not seen that one, so thank you for posting that.  That does describe what I am seeing.  We have tested an orphan patch on another system to solve a different problem and so far that is the only system that does not prompt us.  However, I can't say for sure that the patch is the one thing that fixed.  The trouble-shooting steps they had us perform prior to giving us the patch may have fixed it.