Forum Discussion

giorgiobusoni's avatar
13 years ago

Error E7D10041

On a PC running windows server 2008 core with hyper-v installed on it, that is configured to backup on a network share using a custom user (that is used onl for this reason), I was able to run only the first backup. The, from the second one, it keeps showing up this error: E7D10041.

Now I have installed SSR2011 also on a client, a laptop running windows 2011. I configured it to backup on another network share, using another custom user. I wasn't able to make even the first backup, it keeps giving me error E7D10041.

In this second case, i tried to run the backup manually and I saw that when backup tries to start 3 events 5152 show up in windows security registry: it mean packets blocked by firewall...but firewall is configured not to run on the internal network connection (server has 2 network adapters, one to external network and one to internal, windows firewall is configured to run only on the external connection, howeaver packes are beeing dropped also on the internal connection....



  • Sorry, my bad. I forgot you were talking about core server here.

    As Markus says, a service restart should help.

8 Replies


    this is the error in the desktop
    Errore EC8F03ED: Impossibile creare il punto di ripristino.
    Errore E7D10041: Impossibile stabilire una connessione di rete a \\dc2\backup server.
    Errore EBAB03F1: Le connessioni multiple a un server o a una risorsa condivisa da parte dello stesso utente, utilizzando più di un nome utente, non sono consentite. Interrompere tutte le connessioni precedenti al server o alla risorsa condivisa e riprovare. (UMI:V-281-3215-6071)
    I was to successfully make a backup creating a new destination, to the same share, but using the ip adress....what does it mean? I would like to use dns name instead, because I will be using a DFS space, so the ip may change but dns will not...(NOTE: actually the share where i'm tring to backup is NOT a DFS space, I will create the DFS space when all is working, so the error is not related to DFS probems)
  • I have changed some permissions on the share, now the backup of the desktop seems to work....I let you know if it starts giving again that error....

    Now I start working on the hyperv server, to see what's wrong there....

    One question: how may I force the agent on the core server to update the policy from the management server? I changed them yesterday but it hasn't updated policy yet...

  • By default, the update interval is 1 hour so it should have got the updated policy by now.

    You can force the update by right-clicking on the agent tray icon on the core server and choosing 'Symantec Management Agent Settings' / 'Update'.

  • Sorry, my bad. I forgot you were talking about core server here.

    As Markus says, a service restart should help.