How to Detect slow network connection
We have a working BESR 8.5 with management solution installation on our site.
Our Windows 7 or Windows XP clients are backed up on a daily basis to a central backup server.
Problem is that when our employees are out of the office, they report that the backup executes when they are connected using the VPN (broadband internet and a Juniper SSL VPN connection with Network Connect option).
Is there a way to skip the execution of a backup job when a 'slow network' is detected ?
I have not been able to find any option in the interface that would allow me to specify a mimimum speed on the connection for a backup to start.
Creating a before capture script sounds like the only option available.
Is there someone out there who has resolved a similar situation or who handles this problem using other techniques ?
I have also looked into the functionality provided by SSR 2011 and could not find a different solution.
I have created a solution myself that works for our environment (BESR 8.5.x clients with management component).
To this end, I have created a backup job that has the following batch file executed in the before data capture event :
I had to add a helper .vbs script so the Add file filter was to be put to *.* in order to upload the this file.
The check-speed.bat file currently contains the following code :
@ECHO OFF echo START >>"%~dp0check-speed.log" echo Executing ["%~dp0script-short.vbs"] >>"%~dp0check-speed.log" cscript //nologo "%~dp0script-short.vbs" 1>>"%~dp0check-speed.log" 2>>&1 rem cscript //nologo script.vbs 1>>c:\Log.txt 2>>&1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO LOW-SPEED IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO LOCAL :LOW-SPEED ECHO Connected to a low-speed network (VPN) so cancel the backup >>"%~dp0check-speed.log" EXIT /B 1 GOTO END :LOCAL ECHO Connected to the local network so proceed with backup >>"%~dp0check-speed.log" EXIT /B 0 GOTO END :END ECHO ending the check-speed in an undesired place >>"%~dp0check-speed.log" EXIT /B 0
The salient part is that this .bat file will call the .vbs script and depending on its outcome it will return an exit code to Backup Exec System Recovery.
If the exit code is not zero, then the before capture event failed and the backup job will also fail (no backup).
The .vbs script is something I found via Google (I have to give credit) that will enumerate all 'Network Adapters' and if a MAC address is assigned and the name of the Adapter contains 'JUNIPER' do a check wether this adapter is connected.
If it is connected, a return code of 1 is set.
I am using this test (there is definitely a better one around) as my VPN connection is of the SSL Juniper type and this adapter becomes active when a LAPTOP connects to our internal network using the Network connect option.
I could not do a reliable test on network speed as the 'fake' JUNIPER network connector reports the theoretical speed that is possible (1 Gbit) and not the actual internet speed. To get around this, I would have to run an internet connection speed test on every connection and this is beyond what I want to do here.
' Set NIC.vbs ' VBScript to check your network connection. ' Author Guy Thomas http:// ' Version 4.9 - October 3th 2004 ' --------------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim objWMIService, ObjItem Dim GuyMessage, strComputer, colItems 'On Error Resume Next strComputer = "." ' These Set commands are important. ' See Learning Points after / below the script Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer _ & "\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter",,48) For Each objItem in colItems If objItem.MACAddress <> "" and Instr(Ucase(objItem.Name),"JUNIPER") > 0 Then ' Remove objItem's that you do not want. WScript.Echo "Name: " & objItem.Name & vbCRLf & _ "Net Connection ID: " & objItem.NetConnectionID & vbCRLf & _ "Net Connection Status: " & objItem.NetConnectionStatus & vbCRLf & _ "Computer Name: " & objItem.SystemName & vbCRLf & _ "Speed: " & objItem.Speed & vbCRLf & _ "" if objItem.Netconnectionstatus = "2" then WScript.Echo "Connected via VPN using NC : OK." WScript.Quit 1 If CDBl(objItem.speed) > 80000000 then WScript.Echo "Connection SPEED ? : OK." WScript.Quit 0 else WScript.Echo "Connection SPEED ? : SLOW." WScript.Quit 1 end if else WScript.Echo "Connected via VPN using NC : NOT." WScript.Quit 0 end if End IF Next WScript.Quit 0