Forum Discussion

4 Replies

  • In BESR 8.5 we do it like this:

    setup.exe /s /v"/qb PQPUSH=Y PQAGENT=Y PQCONSOLE=N PQBROWSER=Y REBOOT=R ADDLOCAL=Agent,Browser,Shared,BESRSecurityShortCut"

  • FYI

    More info here:
  • oh great,

    does this agent supports backup and restoring thr Active Directory component and Exchange Server 2007 as well ?
  • I'm working on a vbs startup script - I'll post more when it's tested.

    It looks like this is what it uses when pushing the agent from the console:

    setup.exe /S /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=Agent,Shared,BESRSecurityShortCut /l*v %TEMP%\BESRinstall.log"

    I added REBOOT=R and it seems to work ok