Forum Discussion

6 Replies

  • Hello,
    This may be one that needs to go to Symantec technical support.
    So the notifications are simply never sent?  Do any errors show up in the BESR log file or in the event logs?
  • One more thing....
    When I configure the SMTP notification for this client, I perform such steps from the BE SR Manager server which allows centralized configuration of many clients.
    I tried these same steps on the client, I get an error stating the following:
    Error ECE3006A: Unable to send notification email.
    This message could not be sent to the SMTP server.  The tranport error code was 0x80070057.  The server response was not avaialble.
  • Logs can be written to the log file, but they do not make it to the win32 event log, even though I've configured it to do so.  I will open a case
  • Hiya Bill.
    We're experiencing the same issue on 3 machines we've installed BESR7.0 and 7.1 and have been in contact with Symantec tech support for a while now without resolve. I even forwarded the link to your posting to the techie chap in question and he seems to think that your issue is different and was resolved in the sp1. Was your issue resolved in this release? Ours certainly wasn't. If you have managed to resolve it yourself, could you please shed a little light on the subject for us? One suggestion i was given was to defrag my drive!Needless to say that one wasn't entertained. Cheers.
  • Going to SP1 did eliminate the error, and when I set up a BESR 7.01 client to use SMTP (upon hitting the apply button) I did receive email.   But....from that point on I did not recieve emails for any events even with logging to as high as possible (information, errror,warning,critical).  The case is still open. I will let you know what happens next.
  • Cheers for the prompt response Bill. It seems you're in the same boat as us then. One thing i did notice that you could look out for is that when you find that notifications are failing, go into the options from within BESR, where you would normally set the email notifications up, and see if there is an astrisk next to the SMTP notifications option. While that's there, notifications seem to fail. Re-starting the BESR service will remove it and they will work again for a short while. Failure still kicks in soon after though. SMTP connections aren't an issue in our case as we have BESR installed on a mailserver.