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Andrew_Griggs's avatar
12 years ago

SSR2011 - Error EC8F1FA7: None of the source drives are currently available

Hi all,

I've got a stubborn Win XP SP3 workstation that's developed an issue whereby it's only backing up intermittently with the errors:

Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of (C:\).

Error EC8F1FA7: None of the source drives are currently available.

Error EC8F03ED: Cannot create the recovery point.

Error EBAB0013: A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unexpectedly. CHECK failed,

Computer::CreateImageFile: .\Computer.cpp(1453): guid != Guid() && sequence != 0xffffffff. (UMI:V-281-3215-6071)


This workstation had been backing up fine to an Iomega NAS for a few months, then developed just the EC8F17B7 and EC8F1FA7 errors.  I couldn't get the workstation to backup manually and reboots didn't help.  I suspected that the problem was caused by some cloud-storage tools the user had installed on the workstation - Dropbox & Livedrive, but stopping their services didn't help.  The only way I was able to get a backup to run was to restart all the SSR services a minute or so before the SSR job was scheduled to run.  This worked fine for a week before the backups stopped and the errors started getting thrown again.  Interestingly. the system tray incon doesn't give any indication that the backup has failed - it still displays the green tick.So I then uninstalled SSR, which required the use of the uninstall command line tool as SSR wouldn't uninstall from Add/Remove Programs - this made me think that something had hooked into the SSR VSS provider.  Once uninstalled, I got the latest download from FileConnect and reinstalled SSR, configuring a different backup directory on the NAS.  This backed up fine for a few days on the same schedule as originally configured, but it's now throwing all the above errors.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • OK, well after significant testing it would appear that LiveDrive is indeed the culprit.  It's effectively a continuous data protection product, hence it seems to lock the drive constantly.  Even though LiveDrive can be set to only run during a pre-defined perious, just "suspending" LiveDrive during a Symantec backup doesn't seem to be enough - I've had to disable the service entirely.

    I hope this helps someone else in the future, as in the UK BT are giving LiveDrive away as part of their broadband packages - that's how it got onto my client's machine.

8 Replies

  • No change, SSR is fully updated, VSS is fully updated.  I'm going through the user's application one-by-one, I have a likely candidate in LiveDrive - this cloud backup service looks like is running it's own VSS service permanently in the backgound, so I suspect it's locking the disk somehow.  I'm disabling it and leaving the backups running for a week to see if that improves things.

  • I may also check the services called "Block Level backup" service or a third party software like diskeeper which uses VSS.

    Keep us Posted if disabling could backup service works. Certainly it can be the cause.

  • OK, well after significant testing it would appear that LiveDrive is indeed the culprit.  It's effectively a continuous data protection product, hence it seems to lock the drive constantly.  Even though LiveDrive can be set to only run during a pre-defined perious, just "suspending" LiveDrive during a Symantec backup doesn't seem to be enough - I've had to disable the service entirely.

    I hope this helps someone else in the future, as in the UK BT are giving LiveDrive away as part of their broadband packages - that's how it got onto my client's machine.

  • Andrew,

    Thanks for the update, this is useful information to be aware of.