Forum Discussion

criley's avatar
9 years ago

System Recovery 2013 R2 - Service Pack 6 now available!

System Recovery 2013 R2 Service Pack 6 is now available.

New features in SP6 include support for Symantec Management Platform (SMP) 8.0, SharePoint 2016 and Amazon S3 Cloud Storage support for Offsite Copy.

For more details, please refer to the release notes:

Service Pack download: (note that SP6 is not available via LiveUpdate)

Updated compatibility list:

Full builds are available at

Trialware available at

Management Solution trialware available at

Please use this thread for any questions about SP6.

14 Replies

  • Since July 2015 I've been on Win 8.1 with SSR 2013 R2 Desktop v11.1.2.54477, and I have not installed any service packs (SP#). I had been a home user of Norton Ghost, and I've had no problems with SSR on Win 8.1. Next week I plan to perform the free upgrade to Windows 10. So, I would like to know the correct procedures/steps to ensure my SSR will work properly on my Windows 10 PC.  As an example of my poor knowledge level on this subject, I don't even know whether I should first install Win 10, then install a newer/updated SSR or vice versa.



  • The recommendation is to first remove SSR, then upgrade to Win 10. Then reinstall SSR (with SP6) once you are on Win 10.

  • Thanks Chris. IF I understand you correctly, I need to:

    - download and install SP6;

    - then remove/uninstall SSR; Do I need to use the Norton Removal Tool for this step?

    - install Win 10;

    - then reinstall SSR (w/SP6).


  • Not quite right ...

    • No need to install SP6. Just remove SSR using the add/remove programs option in Windows (reboot required after uninstall)
    • Upgrade to Win 10
    • Once upgrade is complete, reinstall SSR (w/SP6)
  • Yep, about 15 minutes ago I realized that my steps made no sense WRT installing SP6 and then removing SSR!!!

    Thanks again Chris!

    Update: My SSR 2013 R2 w/ SP6 is now running fine on Win10. Installed Win10 and reinstalled the basic SSR 2013 R2, and at this step SSR will not accept the license key. You need to install SP6, then SSR will accept the license key.  Thanks much for the help, Chris.


  • Is there any way to slipstream the SP6 package into the base 11.1.3 R2 install package?  Sure would speed things up!

  • Oops...Disregard!  I missed the "full download" link.

  • I just discovered that the ThreatCon Response feature was removed in SP3. I generally dislike removing features and/or functionality done in conjunction with product updates, unless there's a new feature that replaces/improves the function of the deleted feature. Anyone know why the ThreatCon feature was removed?

  • ThreatCon is a Symantec feature and was removed due to the Veritas/Symantec company separation.

    • Sgooter's avatar
      Level 3

      After performing the free upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, I am running SSR 2013 R2 SP6, and SSR is working fine.  However, for unknown reasons, my PC occasionally freezes and/or shutsdown, which has occurred 3-4 times over the past week. So, I am considering reverting back to Windows 8.1, which can be done within 30 days of upgrading to Win10.  IF I revert back to Win 8.1, will SSR w/ SP6 continue to work OK or will I need to remove and reinstall SSR 2013 R2 without SP6? Thanks.

      • criley's avatar

        I would expect it to work, but this scenario (downgrade the OS) has probably not been tested. Please post back here if you run into any problems.