Forum Discussion

Nathan78's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

Trouble upgrading from BESR 2010 to SSR 2011

Hi There,


Is there a program I can use to clean off all the setup information and start again. I tried to upgrade my BESR 2010 to SSR 2011 and well something went wrong and I would like to completely remove it and try again. 


I went over some of the documentation and everything I read said that once you have the install files you jsut run the setup and it will upgrade BESR 2010 to SSR 2011. Following the link I got from Symantec I downlaoded the SSR2011 files, (Sym_System_Recovery_2011_10.0.0.40077_Management_Solution_32-bit) and ran the setup file. Then I tried to just install the SSR managament files but I couldn't get it to work. I kept getting an ASP.Net 2.0.5 ..... error. So I tried to uninstall it but it never removed the Altris files. 


Is there something like the Norton removal tool that I can use so that I can try and run the installation again?


Kind Regards


9 Replies

  • So you are upgrading the management solution then?

    First off; what was the exact error you saw?

    The management solution is installed using SIM (Symantec Installation Manager). If you want to remove anything, it MUST be done via SIM. Is that what you have been doing?

  • I tried to remove it with add remove programs blush but that never removed anything and now everytime I try to reinstall it it gets to a point where it says it needs to update the Installation Manager and reboot but it doeesn't seem to be doing anything. 


    I found an uninstall file on the symantec web site,, SSR2011Uninstall.bat and im going to try that now.


    I have to ask why is there Altris stuff to be installed?? Why couldn't it just be a normal upgrade??? Normally I have just gotten the files run the setup file and it upgrades the required system. Maybe I downloaded the wrong install files? I say that because this installer offers me a whole whack of Altris stuff (network discovery ect.). I just want to install SSR2011 so I can do my backups this weekend. 


    Anyway enough moaning, let me see if this uninstall file works, and I will post back if I am still stuck.

  • I think you might have the wrong product here.

    Do you actually want to install the management solution? This is the central management console designed to manage all your BESR/SSR clients (aimed at environments that have more than 20 clients to manage). This is based on Symantec Management Platform (formerly known as Altiris Notification Server).

    The way you have worded your reply makes it sound like you just need the server edition of SSR. If this is the case, you can download the trial here:

    That batch file you mention is only for SSR, not the management solution.

    Hope that helps.

  • I followed the link from an email symantec sent me that linked to the FileConnect website. From there I downloaded the full version as I thought that would be the right one. The file was just over 1.2Gb's. Looking again at the FileConnect website I see that the file I think you are talking about is the first option that says,, cause when I followed the link you posted the first option was the same, it just didn't mention multilingual. 


    I'm busy downloading the file now and let you know how it goes. 


    Thanx for your help so far. Talk about a blonde moment blush

  • No problem. Please mark the thread as solved once you have it installed and working.

  • If you don't mind im not going to close it jsut yet as I might need some help tomorrow. I tried to install SSR2011 yesterday but it didn't install due to an error that said the version of SSR2011 was out of date. Im not in the office today so I will look at it again in the morning.

  • Hi Chris,


    Just to let you know that it looks like I have got it installed. I ended up uninstalling BESR 2010 and after a restart, I reinstalled BESR 2010 and updated it. After I had completed a successful backup I re-ran the SSR 2011 installation and it went through :). Just running my updates and then I can run a new backup. 


    Thanx for your help. 

  • How do I mark this closed as I have successfully installed my SSR 2011?